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How to Write a Project Risk Assessment

Life rarely follows the path that we want it to when it comes to projects. You might plan for every stage of the project and every penny spent but then something will come along and…

These 7 Graduate Programs Will Help You Become A Better Leader

As a small business owner, you may struggle to find ways to help you become a better business leader. Going to school is a big commitment, but it is one of the best ways to…

5 Ways to Get Your Small Business Active in Philanthropy

Credit: iStock / Getty Images Plus/dragana991 Creative #1218067733 As part of the local business landscape, your small business provides valuable products and services, employs local individuals and supports a local economy. Philanthropic efforts give your…

How To Host A COVID-Safe Office Holiday Party

In light of the coronavirus pandemic, many workers have been left with no choice but to work from home for the majority of the year. And, with restrictions consistently coming out banning gatherings of six…

8 Creative Ways to Thank Your Clients this Holiday Season

With the holidays fast approaching, we wanted to reshare this holiday post from holidays past. Make sure to implement proper safety and social distancing measures, but you can still do many of these things! It…

4 Ways To Boost Your Marketing Team’s Productivity

Maintaining productivity in any team is difficult, but even more so within a marketing team where there are smaller teams within, yet everyone still needs to be aligned. And with the recent pandemic and people…

Restoring Client Trust is More Important than Ever…Trust Me

Recently, I read the 2020 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report: Brand Trust produced by Edelman, a leading global communications and advisory firm specializing in brand promotion and protection.  The report found that only 57 percent…

6 Leadership Qualities That Lead to Success

When we talk about leadership traits, we refer to personal qualities that are defining the effective leaders. There is this common misconception that the best leaders in the world are simply naturally gifted. This is…

Your Company’s Reputation=Your Reputation

People associate companies with their owners now more than ever. In the past, you might not have been able to tell who ran the world’s largest businesses, but now they are even more famous than…

Spotting the Signs of Office Romance

There are many ways to meet a prospective mate or someone you may be attracted to. Opportunities are everywhere. You may be jogging in the park, waiting in line at the market, meet someone at…

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