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The Value of High Impact Discussions at a Corporate Retreat
If you are in this situation and you have to plan a corporate retreat, you should think about new ways of entertaining your staff. As you well know, happy employees are more productive.
Want to Sell Your Business Someday? Start Planning Now
We’ve touched on the subject of exit strategies here before and one of the most important points in that discussion is that you should have the end in sight even when you’re first starting a small business or buying an existing business.
3 Popular Productivity Tips That Don’t Actually Work
When you first decide to quit your 9 to 5 job and become an entrepreneur, you’re going to get a lot of advice sent your way, whether it’s solicited or not. One of the biggest pieces of advice that will be sent your way will be a long list of tips on how to be productive.
How Women Can Stop Self-Sabotaging and Be Their Own Advocates
If Sheryl Sandberg’s “Lean In” taught us anything, it’s that there’s an epidemic of women facing ever-mounting threats to their confidence in the business world.
It’s Not an Option Anymore. Why Have an Advisory Board?
If a basketball coach stocks his bench with 7-footers, he’s not giving his team an advantage. He’s leveling the playing field, or the playing court, in this case.
Why You Should Create an Advisory Board for Your Small Business
Starting and growing a business is complex and it’s impossible for you—the business owner—to know all the answers. The more information, talent, and resources you can access, the greater your chances of success. Advisory boards can help. No matter how small or large your firm is, you can benefit from building an advisory board.
9 Young Entrepreneurs Who Are Changing the World
Who says it takes years of experience to do something really big? Young engineers, philanthropists and entrepreneurs are tackling all sorts of issues, and many of them aren’t even waiting until college is over to make their mark.
How the Best Leaders Set Context
Think back to the most emotional conversation you’ve had recently at work and at home. Chances are good each resulted from misinterpreted intentions.
SBC Interview: Stericycle’s Paul Spiegelman
Paul Spiegelman is the chief culture officer at Stericycle and founder and former CEO of BerylHealth. He also co-founded the Small Giants Community with Inc. editor-at-large Bo Burlingham.
How to Improve Cash Flow for Business
Cash is the lifeblood of a business, and without it a business dies. With this in mind, the all-important question therefore has to be, “How can I improve cash flow for my business?”