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4 Important Reasons a Leader Embraces Change

There is a distinct difference between managers and leaders—one of them being how they deal with organizational change. A leader has an entirely different vision to that of a manager. Managers fear change because it upsets…

In Marketing, Practice Like You Play

Anyone who has ever played organized sports (or music or dance for that matter) is probably familiar with the coaching axiom, “practice like you play.” In other words, if you practice sloppy, you’ll play sloppy…

Leadership: Sell the Dream, Make the Reality

As a leader, you set the goals, establish the strategies and tactics to get there (with help from others of course) and sell the dream to all of your stakeholders. And that includes potential customers…

5 Attributes of People Who Will Grow Your Business

A question I often get asked as an advisor to startups is how to recognize and attract the best people to grow the business. The reality is that entrepreneurs usually don’t have the money or…

5 Key Ingredients of Courageous Leaders

A great leader knows how to get the best out of their people. Through strong, clear guidance, they enable others to walk tall and achieve success in many ways. Courageous leaders are inspirational. That isn’t…

How HR Pros Use Performance Management to Improve Staff Retention

Performance management is an invaluable tool when it comes to the important relationship between the employee and the employer. It can be used to influence and guide almost every single aspect of this relationship, improve…

Want to Be a Great Leader? Be Consistent!

Being a leader is not a part-time job. To produce consistent results we’re expected to almost always be present in the business in some form or fashion. Those who depend on us count on reliability…

Why You Need a Clear Written Mission Statement, and Tips to Write One

When you are buried in the day-to-day operations of running your business, it’s easy to get tunnel vision. Your nose is to the grindstone everyday just getting it done. Such a limited perspective is one…

Advice for Future Leaders

Recently, for a magazine article on leadership, I was asked for my top three pieces of advice to future leaders: The first was to understand that Dale Carnegie totally had it right 80 years ago when…

Watch Out for Burnout

“I wish I could go back and tell myself that not only is there no trade-off between living a well-rounded life and high performance, performance is actually improved when our lives include time for renewal,…

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