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Gross Margin Doesn’t Tell the Whole Story

Your financial report says that you’ve achieved a 35% gross margin on your latest project/job. Should you be happy? Maybe. Gross margin doesn’t tell the whole story.

Top 10 Advantages of Billing Clients Online

It is shocking to learn how many businesses are still manually creating their invoices and using outdated invoicing software programs. There are so many more efficient ways to generate invoices and keep tracking of your company’s financial information. In today’s competitive marketplace, businesses need to invest in better technology like online billing to save their company valuable time and money.

Understanding the Value of Business Credit

If you have ever purchased a car, bought a house, or applied for a credit card, the chances are strong that you’ve been asked for your personal credit score or had your personal credit report pulled. The detail contained within your personal credit…

Start Now to Save on Small Business Tax Preparation for 2014

Although it seems that tax season just ended, it is important to prepare for the future. Tax preparation is something every business owner should constantly keep in mind, and the 2014 tax season will approach quickly.

Understanding Alternatives to Typical Credit Card Merchants

Most of us have heard of eBay’s PayPal, but that was just the tip of the iceberg. Consider the trajectory of the corded phone attached to the wall to Bluetooth technology. The way we take credit cards online is traveling through the same kind of historical shift in a comparable way.

The Benefits of Crowdfunding

When you have a small business, it can be tough to raise the money you need to launch, expand, or promote your company. That’s one reason a lot of smart small business owners today are turning to the newest fundraising technique—crowdfunding.

Investors Seek Out Entrepreneurs with Resilience

If you haven’t had a failure, you aren’t pushing the limits. If you are really an entrepreneur, you are a risk taker and less cautious by nature, so failures should be expected. Wear you startup failure as a badge of courage. Don’t go after failure, but embrace it when it does happen and grow from it.

Milking the Business

If you have worked for a corporation for a few years before you start your own venture, you need to really prepare for the first time of not having a paycheck every two weeks. While you hear stories about all the personal things that your business can pay for through the company, milking your company can be a very big problem.

Don’t Miss These Small Business Tax Deductions

For any small business, it is critical to be aware of available tax deductions in order maximize profit. Surprisingly, many businesses fail to realize some of the deductions that apply to their business. Here is a list of tax deductions shared by the US Small Business Administration that you should be aware of as a small business owner.

Lower Your Business Taxes with an LLC, or Too Good to be True?

Many entrepreneurs decide to form an LLC in order to protect their personal assets from seizure by a bank or lender, but there are several tax advantages that incentivize LLC formation as well.

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