Watch Out for Indirect Tax Audit Triggers
Your odds of facing an indirect tax audit are actually higher than the odds of IRS small business tax audits. That’s because while the IRS audits 2–12% of the tax returns filed with the agency every year, some states audit up to 20% of the business sales tax reports filed each year.
5 Steps to a Great Pricing Strategy
There are many important aspects to running a business, but perhaps the most important of all is your pricing strategy. At the end of the day, whether customers are willing to keep spending money at your business and whether you can afford to stay in business comes down to your prices. Here are five steps to get you on the right path for an effective pricing strategy.
Are You Offering Your Customers Enough Payment Options?
“While credit card companies research and develop new anti-fraud measurements, alternative payment solutions providers are cashing in on the demand for online security and customer choice,” say the folks over at EcommerceTimes.
10 Ways to Attract the Right Kind of Investors
When you’re initially starting up your company, any investment can feel like a welcome investment. The reality is that not all money is created equal. There are investors you want to attract and others you don’t.
Retirement Plans for the Small Business Owner: The SEP Plan
Simplified Employee Pension (SEP) plans can provide a significant source of income at retirement by allowing employers to set aside money in retirement accounts for themselves and their employees. A SEP does not have the start-up and operating costs of a conventional retirement plan and allows for a contribution of up to 25 percent of each employee’s pay.
Do You Owe the IRS a Quarterly Tax Payment August 15?
This weekend, more than a few small business owners will be scrambling to pull together the documents and information they need to meet the IRS deadline that’s coming up in just six days. Yes, there’s a tax deadline for quarterly taxes due to most states and the IRS on August 15.
Convention Tax Rebate 101
Acquiring knowledge, having fun, and benefiting your business in a single business trip is ideal. Having your travel expenses eligible for tax deduction? That’s even better. If you attend conferences and conventions for your business, the government offers income tax deductions on the expenses that were incurred during the trip.
4 Critical Financial Activities for Business Survival and Growth
Every business has four areas that owners and managers must control to profitably survive and grow. Make sure you are tracking them and taking action when they are not trending the right way.
How Do I Create High Margins?
One of the most difficult elements of marketing for most people is the art and science of pricing. There’s a lot of science to it—but it’s also an art. How do you price your goods and your services? Where do you start?
Is Your Small Business Getting Taxed by High Costs?
As a small business owner, would you like to be certain that at the very least you are not paying more tax than necessary, and that you’re making all the tax savings you can? Read on for top tips on how to lower your small business taxes for the next tax season.