3 Things to Know Before Signing Up with a Merchant Card Processor
Looking to quickly grow your business and accelerate your cash flow? The solution is simple: accept credit card payments. To do so, you must first open a merchant account and sign up with a merchant card processor to process electronic payments and distribute them to the appropriate account.
Cash Method for Small Businesses
On July 10, 2014, the House Small Business Committee’s Subcommittee on Economic Growth, Tax and Capital Access, held a hearing – Cash Accounting: A Simpler Method for Small Firms? Congressman Tom Rice opened the hearing noting that he is a former tax attorney and CPA.
Alternative Lending Challenges for Franchise Owners
Since the financial crisis, alternative lending companies have begun to take the place of more traditional lending options. While you may struggle to meet the requirements for a bank loan, it’s a different story with alternative lending.
How to Save a Failing Business
The competitive nature of modern economies can leave any company vulnerable to the prospect of financial disaster. Difficulties with debt and creditors can quickly run out of control with anything other than a truly robust business strategy and a reliably winning formula.
Startup Budgeting for Small Business Owners and Entrepreneurs
You have a great idea for a small business—and the business know-how to pull it off. You’ve done your market research and written an airtight business plan. If you think this means there’s no way your business can fail, you may want to take a closer look at your financial plans.
A Tale of Two Pricing Strategies
Imagine two companies. One touts the results the customer can expect and charges premium prices, the other touts its low prices. Which one wins?
Alternative Financing for Full-Service Restaurants
If your full-service restaurant has applied for and been denied a bank loan in the past, you’re not alone. Historically, restaurants have been one of the riskiest industries for entrepreneurs to undertake and banks have always been weary of lending to them.
3 Alternative Ways to Finance Your Small Business
As a small business, finding access to finance when you need it most can be very challenging and might seem impossible but there are alternatives to taking out bank loans or using your own personal funds to overcome a cash flow crisis.
5 Signs That Your Company Could Be Insolvent
Becoming insolvent is generally the stuff of nightmares as far as small business managers and company directors are concerned. However, it is always better to address the issues upfront rather than hoping they might miraculously disappear or somehow resolve themselves.
Don’t Get Hung Up On Valuation
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve walked away from deals where the entrepreneur insists on a start-up premoney valuation that is so high, no angel could expect to make a return upon the investment, even with a reasonable sales price for the company down the road.