Communicating Price Increases
These simple tips can help you minimize ‘sticker shock,’ get the price increase you so richly deserve and retain the customers you want. Now that’s a winning combination.
Good Accounting Habits for Small Business Owners
The biggest headache for small business owners is getting and staying organized. If running your own business sucks up your day, being successful is going to be that much harder for you.
Income vs. Profit vs. Revenue
Motivated entrepreneurs dream of dollar signs—bright, S-shaped figures that shimmer and represent the true reward of starting a venture and reaping the financial benefits of the hard work that goes into it.
Good Accounting is so Important
Great accounting is so important for each and every business, but too many are lacking in this area. Most use standard income statements and balance sheets, but there is so much more information business owners need that is not available in these basic financial statements.
With Dental Revenues Soaring, Private Practices Must Play Catch Up
With industry revenues expected to soar in the coming decade, your practice should be positioning itself to take advantage of the opportunities expected to come your way.
5 Cash Management Tricks Every Small Business Owner Should Master
I’m going to let you in on a secret: When I first started my business, I wasn’t very good at managing money. Filling in my knowledge gaps was crucial to my company’s success.
Are Mobile Payments Right for Your Business?
Like most small business owners, you’re willing to try anything that will help you increase sales and help make your company a success. You may have tried new marketing tactics, networking, and even advertising. But have you considered mobile payments as a tool to help grow your business?
How Small Business Financing Can Help Your Food Truck
The food truck explosion in the U.S. is one of the most fascinating business stories in recent memory. Over the years, Americans have been accustomed to fast food and fast casual dining, and while these obviously continue to dominate the restaurant industry, food trucks are beginning to creep into our everyday lives.
A Pricing Problem
I recently had a truly unusual, memorable experience facilitating a discussion about pricing. What made it unusual? There wasn’t one question about pricing. Yet every person there described their ‘problem’ as a pricing problem. What were the real issues?
Need a Small Business Loan? Your Options May Be Limited
Entrepreneurs exploring options on funding a small business often turn to bank loans as an effective way for them to get initial capital to pay back once they have income flowing in. However, a recent report from The Wall Street Journal indicates that while there’s been slight growth in small business lending, the numbers are not very promising.