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Subscription Business Models Are Startup Favorites

Every new business quickly realizes that revenue coming in every period on a committed basis is the Holy Grail to survival and growth. According to many experts, getting new customers is five to ten times harder than getting additional revenue from existing customers.

How to Know if Borrowing is Right for Your Business

Big bank lending to small businesses is increasing. In addition to traditional loans, you may find yourself receiving unsolicited credit card offers from major banks.

How Technology is Affecting Small Business Lending

Small business lending is a chameleon. Constantly changing, the small business lending landscape has gone through a lot of twists and turns since the dawn of the Recession, doing more 180s than Shaun White on a snowboard.

Freelancer? Avoid These “7 Deadly Sins” at Tax Time

In separate reports, Zen99 and the consumer finance website nerdwallet ranked Los Angeles the best city for freelancers. In 2012, 12% of people in Los Angeles reported themselves as self-employed.

3 Situations When a Non-Traditional Loan May Be the Way to Go

These days there are tons of options for financing a small business. The most common route has historically been the traditional one with a standard bank or credit union loan.

3 Ways to Ease Cash Flow Worries

Cash flow concerns can beset companies of any size and standing but they can be particularly painful and damaging if you’re a small business looking to make progress and reach a position of reliable sustainability.

Don’t Miss Out on These Small Business Write Offs!

It’s that time of year again—tax season! Small business owners everywhere are scrounging around for old receipts and frantically doing paperwork in preparation for tax day, all while keeping up with their regularly scheduled CEO duties.

How to Save a $6MM Business

I love my students. They’re interesting people, hardworking, funny and talented. They come from interesting families too. Three months ago one of them asked me to speak to her parents about their business to see if we could get them on a more profitable path.

Be Ready to Protect Your Money When the IRS Audits

We can all expect to get bad news occasionally throughout our lives and for most of us, the good news outnumbers the bad, so we shouldn’t complain too much. However, that’s hard to remember when you receive a letter from the IRS notifying you of an audit; an experience I was treated to not long ago.

The Shoulds and Should Nots of Deductions

Working for yourself means you are responsible for your taxes. There’s no employer deducting from your wages as you go. Thus, it’s up to you to keep track of your earnings, and very importantly, understand what you can and cannot write off as a deduction.

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