Ryan Kidman

Ryan Kidman is a startup-investor and serial entrepreneur. Founder of Catalyst For Business and contributor to search giants like Yahoo Finance, MSN. He is passionate about blogging and covering topics like big data, business intelligence, startups & entrepreneurship. Follow him on twitter: @ryankhgb


A Brief Overview of Endpoint Encryption for Small Businesses

Cyber threats and concerns are ubiquitous these days. It isn’t uncommon to hear about an aggressive breach or hack affecting a big corporation or large-scale service provider. Small businesses aren’t insulated from such problems. They’re…

4 “Need-to-Knows” About Shipping Dangerous Goods

Entrepreneurs are creative, big thinkers who look at the wider picture and long-term goals. However, when you manage a business, it’s also vital to consider details, including ways to limit risks. It may not be…

3 Smart Financial Decisions for Fledgling Entrepreneurs

As any experienced entrepreneur can attest, the first year represents a make-or-break period for most small businesses. A fledgling enterprise’s ability – or inability – to balance its finances is often the determinant factor in…

Here’s What You Need to Know About Strategic Sourcing

Strategic sourcing is a procurement process that allows businesses to create value while saving money. It can really give your company a competitive advantage by letting you find ways to save throughout the entire supply…

Freight Companies Find Ingenious Ways to Survive Covid-19 Crisis

There’s no denying that the growing threat of COVID-19 has had an adverse effect on a number of industries. Although freighting is among the industries to feel the sting, it’s managed to fare better than…

4 Ways Digital Technology Helps Small Businesses Maximize Bookings

Digital marketing appears to be a double-edged sword for many businesses. It has a much higher ROI than traditional marketing strategies, which should mean that businesses are celebrating it. Unfortunately, 76% of businesses struggle with…

4 Awesome Holiday Link-Building Tips to Grow Your Business’s Search Traffic

The winter holidays are just around the corner, which means most people—consumers and businesses alike—are beginning to think about the best ways to show they care. For many, presents to loved ones are high on…

Fix Problems with Timesheet Errors with a Few Simple Apps

I remember starting my first business. I quickly discovered how much the average business owner has on their plates. It can be easy to lose track of the importance of things like employee time tracking….

4 Top Tips to Economically Fund a New Small Business

Before 2008, small businesses could easily secure funding. Everything changed once the Great Recession took hold. The days of easy funding ended in a matter of weeks. Banks experienced the worst credit crunch in over…

Exploring the Ethical Dilemmas of Corporate Gift Giving

During the last holiday season, The Ladders published an article citing research on the motivational benefits of gift giving in the workplace. A survey by the Advertising Specialty Institute showed that 42% of employers gave…