Ryan Kidman

Ryan Kidman is a startup-investor and serial entrepreneur. Founder of Catalyst For Business and contributor to search giants like Yahoo Finance, MSN. He is passionate about blogging and covering topics like big data, business intelligence, startups & entrepreneurship. Follow him on twitter: @ryankhgb


Simple Ways to Get Customers to Think of Your Brand Every Day

One of the most difficult parts of growing a business is creating a strong, sustainable brand image. Too many businesses believe that they can earn customer loyalty with a single ad, even if the customer…

Pros and Cons of Moving from Freelancing to a Passive Income Business

A growing number of people are making money off of the gig economy. According to recent figures, around 36% of the workforce is making a living offering various freelancing services. It is easy to see…

4 Ways a Poor Lead Scoring Model Will Ruin Your Business

A young man I know from New England recently launched his own modular home business. He struggled to grow his company for the first few months, but eventually he started getting his bearings. He said…

4 Project Management Tips for Beginners

Whether you’re running your own business or managing a department for your employer, there will likely be times when you need to supervise projects. If you’re just starting your career or are new to being…

3 Pros and Cons of Using Mobile POS Systems for Your Small Business

It seems that with every new store I visit, I notice it more and more often: Businesses replacing the traditional point-of-sale cash register with a smaller, slicker mobile device. Swiveling iPads, smartphones clutched by every…

Be a Leader Who Makes Employees Love Their Jobs

Well, okay, you can’t really force everyone to love their job, but you can certainly create a culture and environment that nurtures and supports your employees and gives them every reason to enjoy their work….

Boost Your Facebook Ad ROI Through Image Optimization

After AdWords, Facebook is the most popular digital advertising platform on the Internet. Advertisers spend around $40 billion on Facebook ads every year. The appeal is completely understandable. The average ROI of a Facebook advertising…

Using Display Advertising to Grow Your Online Brand

Display advertising was a booming business during the early days of the Internet. It has since waned in popularity as Internet users succumbed to banner blindness. Few marketers use display advertising as a form of…

Your Employees Are Busy, But Are They Productive?

I was a member of a business incubator while I was living in Northern California. The executive director had a Ph.D. in physics and is a very smart, but also fairly disorganized man. He seemed…

5 Tax Saving Tips Most Small Businesses Don’t Follow

Taxes are one of the biggest burdens facing small businesses. According to the Small Business Administration, many small businesses pay effective tax rates near 30%. Many financial experts argue that high taxes are killing small…