6 Data Security Must-Haves While Working From Home

With more people able and willing to work remotely, the need for top-quality, effective cybersecurity has greatly increased. Here are six types of data security you need to know about while working from home. Protect Your Access Point Names Not only do you need to protect your devices and your network, but you also need…

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8 Key Benefits of CCTV Cameras

CCTV stands for closed circuit television, also known as video surveillance is the use of a video camera to broadcast a signal to a specific place on a limited set of monitors. It differs from broadcast television in that the signal is not openly transmitted, though it may employ point to point (p2p), or network…

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Stop the Scam with These Top 4 Ecommerce Fraud Prevention Tools

The mutual trust between the buyer and the seller has been the cornerstone of all trade since time immemorial. This rule holds to this day, as shopping goes increasingly online. The global pandemic put worldwide digital sales on a giant growth spurt, resulting in a 27.6% increase in 2020. But with every new opportunity come…

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Best Online Security Practices to Teach Your Employees


Image source: Pixabay Cyber-attacks are ranked fifth in the list of global threats of our current times. That means you should count yourself very lucky if your business has not experienced a cyber-attack yet. While investing in sophisticated software is a surefire way to enhance your business’s cybersecurity, it is important to understand that your…

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What Would Identity Protection Mean for Business?

Corporate identity theft involves stealing information about a business and fraudulently using the data for financial gain. So, getting identity protection for your business is a very good idea. Without it, you could end up losing financial information, funds, sensitive information, and much more. Here is a look at how corporate identity theft can occur.…

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Beginner’s Guide to Understanding Cloud Security


Cloud security isn’t exactly new, but it’s a constantly changing (and upgrading) system that everyone should know about—especially in an age where everything seems to be moving to the cloud. What began as a simple online storage method with things like Google Drive and Dropbox is now a worldwide phenomenon in the tech world, with…

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4 WaysTo Protect Your Business Data

Data is a major talking point at every level of commerce, and there’s a great reason for that. Market data of all kinds gives businesses the tools they need to develop more informed, and therefore more successful, business and marketing strategies that can help them get a competitive edge. However, this reliance on information, digital…

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What’s Next For Security Authentication?


As more of us continue to work from home, the threat of cyber attacks continues to grow. Companies that did not have work from home protocols in place already before the pandemic struck struggled to make the transition, and hackers took note. As a result, phishing and hacking attempts are way up and companies are…

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4 Steps to Setting Up A Safe And Secure Home Office

2020 might go down in history as the year we all switched to working from home. Who knew that before a global pandemic, we could have all been sitting in our pyjamas from the comfort of our living rooms, completing the same work we do from an office. Ok, perhaps that’s a bit of an…

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