How to Find a Small Business for Sale

For business-savvy individuals who are tired of working for someone else, buying a small business can represent an opportunity to achieve freedom and financial independence. But before you can own a business, you have to know where to look for one. Four Ways to Find a Company That’s for Sale Buying a firm isn’t really…

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A Twist on Old School Tactics

In this era of all things digital, I thought it would be a nice change of pace to go old school and talk about some very simple marketing tactics that are often undervalued and underutilized. Best of all, neither of these ideas will dent your marketing budget. Thank you notes: When I was growing up, my…

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Startups: Networking is Key to Your Success

Personal relationships are important for any business owner as they provide some respite away from the company and can help you de-stress effectively. However, these relationships are limited because you are only around family members and friends that you engage with regularly. On the other hand, professional networking helps you connect with like-minded individuals on…

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4 Surefire Ways to Ramp Up Your Networking Results

Getting started as a small business owner is tough enough. You’re trying to build a solid team, perfect your product, and create a marketing strategy. That doesn’t leave you with a lot of time to network. However, you absolutely need to make it a priority as a new entrepreneur. If you don’t, you’ll be missing…

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6 Relationship Strategies That Propel Your Business

Unfortunately, people who are great at inventing things, and have high creativity, often don’t have strong interpersonal skills or interests. As a mentor to aspiring entrepreneurs, I see a high level of frustration from people in this category who have personally developed great solutions, but can’t make them into a business. They don’t realize that…

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Networking for Entrepreneurs (Why It Matters & How to Do It Right)

Being an entrepreneur offers tremendous perks… You’re the boss, free to pursue your dreams, managing your own time. But the life of an entrepreneur also comes with some significant downsides, namely in the form of stress, uncertainty, and often social isolation. Social isolation in the US is growing, and data gathered in new research is…

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Raising Your Total Startup Capital in 5 Steps

You’ve got the next billion-dollar idea and you are looking to make the big jump into the “fairytale” journey of an entrepreneur. You have read all the startup books and know everything about the great founders that became successful overnight. The startup journey is similar to a survivor’s journey, and the last person standing is…

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What Makes SD-WAN Different from SDN, NFV, and VNF?

It seems that every day, there’s a new collection of software acronyms that are necessary to know. Further, some of these acronyms embrace additions, such as SD-WAN — and often acronyms merge with other acronyms, such as SD-WAN-NFV. How can you get a handle on all these terms? Keep reading for an overview of SD-WAN, an explanation of…

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Coworking Space vs. Business Center Office: Which is Better?

There is a common misconception that coworking space is the same as business center office space, but is cheaper with more opportunities for networking and collaboration. These are the claims made by coworking providers, however, often these are misleading claims using an apples-to-oranges product comparison – and assume business centers don’t have networking and collaboration…

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