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LevelUp Your Small Business Credit Processing

By: Matt Gossett



In an earlier article, I discussed the benefits of using a card reader to accept payments on a mobile device. Now I’d like to review LevelUp, an application that enables businesses and consumers to execute transactions without using a card. Here’s what you need to know before instituting LevelUp at your business.

Advanced Technology
The free LevelUp mobile application allows customers to store their credit card information in a scannable QR code. Businesses use the same code reading software to scan their customer’s mobile device, and transactions are processed in a matter of seconds.
Easy Setup
LevelUp makes it easy for businesses integrate its software. One option is to simply download the application to your mobile device and connect to a scanner through Bluetooth. Otherwise, LevelUp will send you a scanner that functions on its own. Either way, setup is completely free.
Affordable Processing Fees
With LevelUp, your payments are processed for a flat 2% transaction fee, which is competitive and actually cheaper than companies like GoPayment and Square, who typically charge 2.75% for their mobile payment processing.
Engaging Campaigns
LevelUp makes it easy for businesses to organize campaigns that reward customers for using the app. LevelUp also encourages sharing on social media so that more people discover your business. With access to details on who engaged and how many come back, businesses can calculate a return on investment.
Free Processing Available
LevelUp provides a big incentive for businesses to use its application for campaigns. When your business initiates a campaign, payment processing is completely free. LevelUp, however, makes 40% on the transaction of the customer who uses the advertisement to make a purchase.
Unlike other applications that require a mobile card reader to accept payments, LevelUp offers a unique solution to businesses that want to allow customers the option of paying without a card. As mobile technology continues to advance, I wouldn’t be surprised if it becomes the norm for customers to pay using apps like LevelUp.
Published: August 6, 2013

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Matt Gossett

Matt Gossett is a writer and editor for Tarkenton Companies. A graduate of Washington and Lee, Matt is currently studying International Business at the HEC School of Management in Paris. He specializes in leadership issues, combining insight from business, athletics, and education. Connect with him on

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