Managing Flexibility in Remote Work Environments

a team of employees having a virtual meeting

Managing a remote team can feel tricky. You want your team to be happy and work how they work best (early birds or night owls, it’s all good!), but you also need to make sure projects stay on schedule and everyone’s on the same page. There’s an art to managing flexibility in remote work office…

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Creating an Office That Feels Like Home

A study conducted by Indeed demonstrates that 73% of remote workers pine for interaction with their colleagues in person. Furthermore, more companies are realising that while working remotely can slash costs, it can also reduce the quality of work. But what’s more concerning is how it affects your staff’s mental health. People often feel isolated…

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Navigating the Future: Embracing Hybrid Work Models

Hybrid work has become a compromising solution that caters to employees’  needs and management demands. Many employees may feel they’re getting the best of both worlds when offered hybrid work arrangements. As a result, organizations are increasingly embracing hybrid work models. Those that offer their employees a choice of when to work from the office…

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How To Save Money When Working From Home

Remote working has exploded over the past few years, and never more so than recently. One UK study even shows 30% of the British labor force working from home at least one day a week in 2022. People working from home like the comfort but also the money savings. Remote workers don’t have to worry…

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More Companies Are Offering Remote Work. Here’s Why:

Judging by the developments, remote work is here to stay. This means new opportunities for many people, but also for companies looking to optimize their operations. For starters, many businesses are experimenting with the so-called hybrid work models that combine office and remote work to a degree and are comparing results. At a glance, there…

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How to Minimize Distractions while Working from Home

Working from home has become a new norm in the world of Covid 19. For most of us, this calls for a drastic change in the way that we do things. Working from home has its benefits, not least of which is that you can do so in your pajamas.  However, there are some drawbacks.…

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Automate Your Business To Ease Working From Home

A majority of employees are working from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, even before the pandemic began, many companies had started accepting remote work as the future of the workplace. While some may disagree about the method being efficient, there’s no doubt that the overall trend has been on the rise.  The reason…

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