Mission, Vision, and Values

It’s vital to every business that they have a clear idea of who they are and what they’re all about. Few owners have taken the time to distill it down or made the effort to weave it into the fabric of the company. What do the mission, vision and values for your business look like?…

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Communicating the Vision

Speaking with a client about an ongoing issue with his sales team, I brought up a particular concept. When he heard it, he loved it. He saw exactly how it applied to his situation. He also expressed amazement that he had never heard this before. Except, he had. He’d heard about it numerous times. I…

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Have You Set Your Life and Business Goals?

We’ve spent several weeks discussing your vision for success, and whether you could be the next Ford, Jobs or Musk. Now it’s time to make this more tangible, more real—by attaching personal goals to this vision we’ve created together for you. So, your vision tells the world what you want to be as you contemplate…

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Here are 10 Vision Tests for Your Success

Your vision for success must be solid and flexible enough to pass several critical tests if it is to guide a business enterprise to greatness. Here in brief are ten tests for your successful vision. Try these on for size, and test yourself for attractiveness to the marketplace, to investors and to history. Ten tests…

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Vision for Your Future Success is Everything!

I love absolute statements. And this is one of my favorites. You’re at the ignition stage of your newest business venture. Of course, you have a vision for what you will do to change the world. Let’s stress test that vision and sharpen it further to help insure your success. First, if your vision is…

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Startup Vision: Paradox of Consistency vs. Opportunity

The world is full of paradox, like this one. Here’s research on startup vision that shows “The tech landscape is lush with entrepreneurs whose success blossomed only after the founders had modified or even abandoned their original vision.” That makes sense when you see examples and details. But wait – what about the idea that the…

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How Effective is the “Why” of Your Business?

A business without a why is like a leader without a purpose. However, it’s easy to mix up a goal with a “why,” and this is where things often go wrong for businesses. Let me explain. A goal is just a destination—a place you want to go to. Don’t get me wrong; goals are important, critical even.…

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7 Excuses We Use That Crush Our Dreams

The emergence of so much change has many of us scratching our heads and feeling a bit overwhelmed. Just yesterday we were all chatting about “that” new social network called Facebook. We asked questions. Should we leap in? How much should you share? Is it a waste of time? Your favorite pair of pants Now…

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How Big Thinking Will Let You Achieve Big

Do you find yourself in a rut? Do you want to live a life you want for yourself rather than someone else mapping it out for you? To change your current situation, you need to think big. Only then can you achieve big. Here’s how: Make your own roadmap for your future: If you don’t…

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