Posts Tagged ‘Values’
How to Create a Core Team You Can Trust
How many times have you heard this line in a movie: “I don’t know if I can trust you…”? The line always comes at a pivotal moment. If there isn’t any trust, then the love affair, caper, or escape won’t happen. It teaches a good lesson: For important plans to be successful, there must be…
Read MoreTransparency: The More Things Change…or Do They?
“…{You} must recognize that we are living in a different generation than the one in which {your} father had lived, and that it was possible, in building up an industry such as {his}, to maintain a comparative secrecy as to methods of work, etc. and to keep business pretty much to those who were engaged in…
Read MoreHow to Deliver Excellence: It Isn’t an Accident
I’ve never met a business owner or leader who didn’t want the employees of their organization to deliver excellence. And the truth is most employees want that too. They want to work for an organization that allows and even encourages them to go above and beyond for the people they serve. Sadly, most employers believe…
Read More3 Steps to Stimulate Change and Establish a Clear Purpose
Organizations and people grow, evolve, and change. It’s what we do—and failure to do so over time will find us being followers rather than leaders. Change starts with having a clear purpose. Leaders need to have a clear purpose for change if they want their team to buy in. This is the first step in…
Read More10 Ways an Entrepreneur Can Build a Winning Culture
If an entrepreneur can’t build a culture of excitement and commitment at a startup, the chances of long-term success are negligible. It simply doesn’t matter how great your solution is. Every investor knows this. That’s why they insist on spending a day with your team as part of the due diligence process. A winning culture…
Read MoreChoose the Right Franchise Relationship for You
Franchises are growing so much that you can probably find a franchise option for almost any kind of business you’re interested in these days. In fact, you can probably find multiple options. If you’ve made a spreadsheet and you’re still having trouble narrowing down the choices, maybe you need to get back to fundamentals. Your involvement with…
Read MoreHow Do I Make the Right Business Decisions?
When it comes to running a business, big or small, there is no secret recipe for making the right decisions. And there is often more than one right decision—or no right decision, and just one that’s the best of all the options. But you can equip yourself with a few tools that will certainly help…
Read More9 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Choosing a Business Partner
Launching a business is both one of the toughest and most rewarding experiences an entrepreneur will encounter. For that reason, many entrepreneurs join forces with a partner in order to defray costs, build creativity and keep their sanity. Starting a business with a partner is like getting married. Before you say “I do” to just anyone, consider…
Read MoreLeadership Toolbox: The Power of Parables as a Leadership Tool
Parable: Defined as a short simple story intended to illustrate a moral or religious lesson. These stories have been passed down from generation to generation through story-telling—each story with its own significance and message. What makes these messages so important is that a key message is embedded into the story, which illustrates or demonstrates the message. Modern…
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