3 Ways to Make PR Painless

Any entrepreneur who knows a great public relations pro understands how valuable these people are. Their ability to take information and create a strategy and narrative for best communicating that information is nothing shy of genius—truly.
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Employee Trust: Strategic Planning Can Kill It

Trust is the foundation of effective and authentic leadership. Without trust, leaders lose teams through attrition, or dangerously low engagement. Among the many qualities of trusted leaders, clarity is key: People trust the clear and mistrust the ambiguous. So, leaders who earn employee trust provide transparency around goals, plans, and expectations.
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Discover How Great Leaders Communicate

Whether you’re leading your own team or an entire company, solid communication skills are an absolute must. It sounds obvious, but have you taken the time to analyze and work on what areas of communication are necessary to move your startup in a powerful direction?
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4 Powerful Ways to Motivate Your Team

Inspiring leaders recognize that money is not the main reason people come to work. Sure, it’s the primary motivator for why we work—but once the concept of comparable pay for comparable work has been addressed, it fails to inspire passion in the work place.
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Does Transparency Hurt Business?

I believe people want to know that those they respect and esteem are normal folks, just like they are. They want to know about their failures, their foibles, their unusual beliefs and interests.
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7 Ways Freelancers Can Stand Out with New Clients

Every time you take on a new client as a freelancer, you have an opportunity to cement a working relationship that can last for years. To do so, you need to stand out with your clients from the get-go. The tough part is balancing that need with work you need to get done.
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How to Retain Employees

High turnover is not uncommon in small business, but it is expensive. Most small businesses cannot afford to constantly hire and let go of employees. Having a dedicated staff is one aspect of a successful company that should not be overlooked.

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