Brad Smith

Brad Smith has nearly 20 years of leadership experience in the web consumer, enterprise software, and communication service provider industries, spanning sales and marketing, product management and development, service architecture, and service/support delivery roles. As executive vice president, customer experience, for Sage North America, he is responsible for developing all aspects of the Sage commitment to the customer experience, from product design and customer support, to the invoice experience and all touch points in between. Smith was most recently vice president of customer experience for Yahoo! He also previously held senior leadership roles with Symantec, Openwave, and Verisign.


Even in Crisis, Outstanding Customer Experiences Can Put Companies on Top

Not delivering an outstanding customer experience can lead to unfavorable opinions about a brand, and even an entire industry. Many small businesses don’t prepare for a crisis, leaving them susceptible to public criticism and the potential loss of customers and revenue.

It’s Not Too Late to Make 2013 the Year of the Customer

This year is more than halfway through. You had every intention of making 2013 “the year of the customer” for your business, but you just haven’t found the time or resources to make the changes you planned. Well, it’s not too late to put more focus on the customer experience.