How to Make PR Work for Your Small Business

You don’t have a whole department for press relations; you probably don’t even have one person dedicated to PR at all. Instead, you have to spread your time out and get press releases written and distributed with a limited amount of time and effort.
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How to Pitch [Infographic]

If you have the next big idea, you’re going to figure out how to spread the word. Usually it starts with a pitch to the media letting them know there’s this great new idea that is going to revolutionize everything.
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The New Brand Benefit

In a lot of ways starting a business and giving birth to a new brand can be an exciting process. No one knows who you are yet, so they have nothing to build an opinion on.
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6 Ways to Build Your Brand Through TV Appearances

Everyone wants to be on TV, but not everyone knows how to position themselves as an expert in order to get booked. Whether you are working with an agency, a publicist, a TV booker or directly with a producer, here are the top things you need to do to maximize your chances of frequent on-air success.
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The Evolution of Public Relations

The only industry changing more quickly than PR is the media, and the two are inextricably intertwined. Beyond the mechanics of how we communicate with audiences, the heart of good PR has been, and will be the same.
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Media Coverage Is Not a Given

I have the opportunity to review many business plans and one thing that always causes me some concern is that every business owner believes that they can generate a significant amount of marketing exposure by getting media coverage.
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3 Ways to Make PR Painless

Any entrepreneur who knows a great public relations pro understands how valuable these people are. Their ability to take information and create a strategy and narrative for best communicating that information is nothing shy of genius—truly.
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