They Say Your B-Plan is a Road Map. But Should You Follow It?

Focused man looking map of USA near scooter on asphalt road in blur forest. Concept of travelling, vacation, journey and trip. Young handsome caucasian guy. Sunny day

Have you become a prisoner of your business plan? Business leaders are increasingly at a crossroads: You face a scenario or challenge that your current business plan never anticipated, but you cannot afford to lose sight of your long-term goals. How do you go off road without driving off a cliff? The most successful firms…

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Create More Opportunities at Work Through Personal Development

a team benefitting from personal development strategies

Feeling like you’re not excelling at your job can be incredibly exhausting. Alongside losing motivation at work, it can put you in a slump that affects your personal life. Thankfully, you don’t need to be stuck doing the same mundane tasks forever. With hard work and dedication, you’ll discover a wide range of employment prospects waiting…

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How To Become a Successful Business Owner

a business owner having a successful meeting with their team

Embarking on a journey to become a successful business owner requires more than a great idea; it demands a combination of passion, strategy, and tenacity. The path to success is multifaceted, involving an understanding of the entrepreneurial spirit, the formulation of a comprehensive business plan, financial savvy, brand development, and an emphasis on networking. Navigating…

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15 Reasons No One Cares About Your Small Business Right Now

In the fast-paced, competitive business world, it’s a common challenge for small businesses to attract and maintain attention. Some businesses may not garner the interest they deserve, leaving owners scratching their heads, pondering, “Why doesn’t anyone care about my business?” Understanding just what is causing your business to miss out on the attention it deserves…

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How to Network Effectively at a Trade Show


Trade shows are the perfect opportunity to meet other brands in your industry and stay updated, but what are some of the best ways to network and get results? In this article, we take a look at some of the most effective strategies for engaging with customers and brands at trade shows.  Image Credit  Carry…

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How to Make a Great Impression When Networking

Image sourced from Pexels. CC0 License It’s all about who you know. Especially when you are running your own small business. Major corporations are where they are because they have done all the leg work already and they are major powerhouses. As for yourself, you are still making those connections and making those gains. It’s…

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3 Essential Networking Tips During COVID  

There are very few regular activities that continued as they were before the COVID-19 pandemic struck, and social activities were even more scarce. In the business world, a somewhat-required social activity is networking, especially for small businesses and individuals looking for new employment. Luckily, just as many jobs have went digital amidst the stay-at-home orders…

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7 Proven Techniques to Streamline Your Sales

Sales. For many new entrepreneurs, putting on a salesperson’s hat is anything but enjoyable—but it’s a necessary evil. During the first years of your business—if not the whole life cycle of the business—you are your company’s best spokesperson. Even if you eventually hire a sales guru or a sales team, you must still represent your…

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Use Office Parties and Social Functions to Boost Morale

Office parties, special events and other social functions can be good for more than just relaxation. Whether it’s helping to cultivate and maintain the right workplace culture and atmosphere, creating valuable networking opportunities or finding ways to provide employees with the sort of shared experiences that may allow them to form a more efficient team,…

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