Psychology of Gift Giving: How Retailers Manipulate Buyers

It’s no secret that the be-all and end-all of advertising is to boost sales of a given product or service. What is a bit more clandestine is how some marketing teams go about making sure their product or service sticks in our brains and pulls on our heartstrings. Seduction, temptation, and even fear are all…

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May I Ask You a Question?

One of the biggest issues marketing and sales folks face is just getting on the radar screen of their prospects. Even when you have something of incredible value and you genuinely know the prospect needs what you have to sell, it’s tough to get their attention long enough to ask a question or even be…

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Peer-to-Peer Marketing is In

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away (queue Star Wars theme), we lived in a world dominated by the so-called “Top-Down” marketing. Divided as we were in our distinct personalities and preferences, top-down marketing brought us all together. We tuned in to but a handful of TV channels to choose from, we…

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Using Hashtags on Facebook

You may have heard the announcement that in June 2013, Facebook instituted hashtag functionality into their site. The reason businesses love hashtags is that not only do they inspire interaction and generate buzz amongst followers but they are searchable and easily measurable.

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