Why the Midwest is a Great Place to Start a Business

a midwest town center

The U.S. Midwest is underrated. Flyover country, as it is sometimes called, contains many of the resources found on the coast. Midwestern cities are ripe with connection opportunities and are generally significantly more affordable and accessible than their coastal equivalents. Midwestern towns, on the other hand, are usually extremely affordable and filled with opportunities for…

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How Your Location Affects Your Franchising Decision


  Location, location, location. It’s as important in franchising as it is in real estate. The place you choose to open your business will affect your franchise decision every step of the way—the opportunity you invest in, your ownership style, your profit margins and more. Read on to discover the ways your location affects your…

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This is The Best Place to Start Your Business

The best place to start your business… …is where you are. Sure, there are exceptions. Maybe you’re young, and have no roots. Or maybe you just want to move to somewhere else. But, barring special cases, look around you. The best place to start you business is where you are. In my email and on Quora I…

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Buying a Bar? Read These 5 Tips to Ensure Success

Millennial small business owner calculating finance bills of activity. Female entrepreneur using digital tablet to pay invoice and taxes and to calculate financial expenses of new bar restaurant

Buying a bar is an idyllic dream for many. There is a romance in the images we conjure when thinking of spending our time surrounded by interesting characters and friends throughout our working hours. The reality, however, can be quite different. This is a job that will require long hours and commitment to working when…

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5 Reasons Boston is a Great Place to Grow Your Business

Whether you’re starting your own business or looking to expand one that you’ve already launched, there are a number of factors needed to reach success. You’ll need to have a high-quality product or service, of course, specifically one that offers potential customers a unique solution to their problems. It’s also imperative that you have a…

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5 Essential Tips for Planning Your Construction Site

When it comes to planning a new building for your company, having a successful project really comes down to proper planning. From creating the plans to seeing the building of the site through, it’s up to you to be prepared every step of the way. To help you make the process as smooth as possible,…

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Big Changes Are Afoot in Bay Area Property Market

The Bay Area has been hamstrung by a series of problems in recent years, notably excess demand for housing owing to the rapid and unprecedented growth of Silicon Valley hiring. Over the years, housing prices have increased markedly with a median home price of around $1 million being the norm. This reflects a significant upturn…

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What is the Secret to Creating Your Best Art and Work?

Do you have a “sacred place” that is just yours? That allows you to have the space and freedom to work on what is important. Some of us work in “hot desk” environments. But these seem to be designed more to save money for the industrial corporation complex than for the creative human. As humans…

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