The 10 Commandments of Twitter

What are some fundamental principles that you should embrace if you want Twitter to work for you? Twitter’s sometimes chaotic nature does make managing the torrent of tweets seem like herding cats.
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Deal Value or Buyer Value?

Focusing on deal value colors our strategies and focus. However subtly, everything becomes “what we get from the deal.” But we get nothing unless the buyer gets superior value from our solution and chooses it. So deal value is meaningless unless we understand buyer value.
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The Perfect Facebook Post

Images on Facebook are the most shared of any media. Creating a perfect Facebook post for images may not be possible, but here are 7 tips to help you move along the spectrum of excellence towards a “God like” Facebook post.
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16 Tips for Networking Smarter

If networking intimidates you—or you think you’re all set and don’t need to do it to begin with!—think again. Refer back to these tips the next time you’re looking for a reference for a personal or business service, a job lead, a new hire, or any number of other things a strong network can provide.
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Is Podcasting the Hot New Media Trend?

Podcasting was cool when I started blogging four years ago, but as social media became fashionable, Facebook and Twitter made podcasting look a tad obsolescent and dowdy. So why is podcasting having a resurrection? It is due to two key factors.
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Long Forgotten? Use Customer Service Skills to Stir Old Accounts Back to Life

When accounts go quiet, don’t assume the customer is going away. Use excellent customer service skills to find out what is going on. They may be waiting, occupied with something else, or have simply forgotten where you are or how to reach you! One effort at reactivation can make the difference between a customer who comes once and disappears forever, and a customer who comes once, is invited back and stays with you forever.
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Building an App? 5 Questions to Ask Your Mobile Developer

Many companies are jumping into the world of mobile digital applications in an effort to attract more customers, and to build better relationships with the ones they already have. In most cases, that means hiring a mobile development company to design and build the app.
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