7 Guidelines to Assure 2-Way Customer Communication

Entrepreneurs and business executives seem to be even more focused on their technology than the rest of us, and less inclined to listen to the voice of the customer, even if they remember to ask. Real two-way conversations with real customers, including the all-important body language, are unheard-of these days. Being connected to the Internet…

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2 Overlooked Skills That Are More Important Than You Think

You could have gotten away with many things before the rise of the internet, but now to succeed in business, you must continually improve your skills and knowledge. For that reason, I want to bring to your attention two of those essential skills that can make or break the success of your business that most…

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Your Voice is Powerful

One of the most remarkable aspects of marketing in this era is that every human being is a publisher. We can write reviews that impact businesses. We can share our expertise to create a position of thought leadership. We can amplify the messages that others create/share by volleying their content to our audiences. Each of…

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Why You May Want to Re-Think Content Marketing

So you think digital content marketing is an excellent way to reach your audience? Guess what? It may disappoint you. A new study, Content Trends Report 2018 from Buzzsumo, tells us that content marketing is now 50% less effective than it was three years ago. If you’re shaking your head because you’ve invested a lot of time, money, and/or energy…

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Communicating Your Vision Clearly to the People Who Matter

It isn’t enough to come up with a kickass vision for your organization or business idea. One other important piece of the puzzle is being able to communicate your vision clearly and effectively to the people that matter; namely partners, potential investors, employees, and even customers. This is something we realized, thankfully, in the early…

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Marketing Dilemma: Is Expressing Your Politics Risky?

Mixing marketing and politics used to be taboo for most businesses and nonprofit organizations, unless their missions were political in nature. In today’s divisive political climate, several enterprise businesses have strategically incorporated their political beliefs in their advertising campaigns and social media channels. Of course, corporations have the money to back any political risks they take,…

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6 Clear-Cut Reasons to Learn Chinese

China has one of the biggest world economies and it has continued to grow in recent years. This makes China a crucial player in the business world. For example, Mark Zuckerberg has recently showed off his language skills because he knows how important it is to be able to speak Chinese when you are doing…

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Coming in Loud and Cloud: Podcasts

When I was a kid, I loved listening to the old time radio shows that my parents grew up with. The Shadow was my favorite. I loved the storytelling but I also loved the portability — I used to listen when I was mowing the lawn (on my old Walkman, if that doesn’t age me!).…

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Would You Say It If…

Social media has allowed us to connect and converse with those who we might otherwise never have had the opportunity. It creates the context for democratizing influence, giving voice to individuals on a mass basis. It’s exciting just to consider the good that can be accomplished as various (and yes, opposing) political and other viewpoints…

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How to Be a Good Leader in the Digital Age

Leadership, like everything else in the modern age, just ain’t what it used to be. Everything is “digital” nowadays, but what that means goes beyond the singular devices and processes that we refer to as “digital.” Sure, apps, the cloud, 3D printers, smart TVs — these things are all digital innovations. However, as Wharton University’s…

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