Mastering LinkedIn Analytics: A 5-Step Guide

Meeting to present the Finance Executive business team. Discuss meetings to plan work, investment projects, analysis strategies, and discuss financial graphs and company budgets in the office.

To maximize the impact of your LinkedIn Business Profile, it’s crucial to harness the power of LinkedIn Analytics. In this blog post, we’ll explore the five key steps to utilizing and mastering LinkedIn Analytics to enhance your business profile. Step 1: Accessing LinkedIn Analytics The first step in leveraging LinkedIn Analytics is gaining access to…

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3 Best Marketing Analytics Tools to Improve Research


In the wise words of Beth Comstock, business executive and former vice chair of GE, “Marketing’s job is never done. It’s about perpetual motion. We must continue to innovate every day.” Now, everyone in the business world understands that marketing is a continuous process. It is always evolving, as the market is always evolving. Because…

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Session Replay Vs Heatmaps: Which Is Better?

session replay vs heatmaps

Web analytics plays a key role in the life of any online business. Nowadays, there are plenty of options available to keep you up-to-date on your website. These can be data visualization tools, built-in measurements, or even manual big data analysis. With these, you can always be aware of the current performance of your website…

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What Is Your Biggest Error In Company Planning?

The biggest error in planning may not be spreadsheet calculation error.  Or cost estimation.  It is most often missed assumptions about the market, the competition, the speed of adoption, or other critical metrics you’ve researched, or selected, or even just guessed at to create your plan. Sources for your data Where did you get the…

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Monitor These 5 Metrics to Enhance Your Web Presence

A common mistake small businesses make is assuming that web analytics is only beneficial for big companies. However, that is not the case, and by understanding how web analytics work you can start to understand how your customers think, what they want from your business, and how you can provide it.  In this blog post,…

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Do You Keep Score?

In marketing, keeping score matters. There was a time when being funny or memorable was enough. Back then, there was an obvious line between marketing and sales and we marketing types didn’t need to worry as much about ROI. Today, that’s how a CMO or agency gets fired. Every dollar spent needs to contribute to…

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Solving Digital Challenges as a Bridge to Leadership

Sound leadership might be defined as the quality associated with being able to navigate a group of people through a complex set of challenges. In 2020, with much of the world experiencing an unprecedented upheaval as a result of the Covid-19 outbreak; current circumstances have separated the wheat from the chaff when it comes to…

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First-Party Data Marketing: 3 Powerful Use Cases

Marketing has undergone a dramatic shift in its approach and implementation. Gone are the days when it was solely based on assumptions or speculations. Now, marketing is based on reliable and authentic customer data, which is now central to any successful marketing approach. A data-driven marketing approach enables you to effectively target, attract and convert…

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Don’t Quarantine Your Marketing

“If you were given the opportunity to have your competition go to sleep and stop strategizing, producing and delivering their marketing message to your potential customers, would you take advantage of it? That opportunity is now. Take advantage of it, or when this is over, don’t be surprised to find yourself behind.” Nathan Yerian – President…

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6 Software Systems that are Essential for Every Startup

Starting a business is never easy. You have a lot of things to manage simultaneously. You make many mistakes and every single one of them contributes to damaging your business. An easy way to minimize those mistakes and make business processes more efficient is the use of software systems. Here I have shared six software…

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