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How to Turn Your Blog into Dynamic Video, Infographic Content and More

By: Parker Davis


Turn Your Blog into Video Infographic and More

If the only thing you do with your blog posts is publish them, you’re missing out on some excellent marketing opportunities.

There are plenty of ways you can take the content of a blog post and turn it into a completely new piece of content, whether that’s a video, an infographic, an eBook or all three.

This is known as diversifying your content, and it’s a great way to expand your audience. JeffBullas.com says, “Diversifying your blog content doesn’t require a complete overhaul of your site, but rather a new approach to content marketing based on the modern era of readers.”

Why You Should Diversify Your Content

As far as reasons to diversify your content go, the biggest reason is to put your content in front of more people and get the most out of every blog post.

Not everyone likes to read blogs. Some prefer watching videos, and others love infographics. There’s also the fact that not every site allows you to share blog posts.

YouTube won’t let you post a 500-word article, but you can get your information out there by making it into a video. You can share regular posts on Facebook, but could be getting more shares and post engagement with an infographic.

By using different formats of posts, you can reach a wider audience; Cio says, “Even the most predictable audiences spend their time looking at various marketing channels. If you’re too focused on a single channel, you’ll miss out.”

Turning Blog Posts into Infographics

If you have the graphic design skills and software, you’ll have no trouble making infographics. But what if you don’t know a thing about graphic design? That’s where a user-friendly design tool, such as Canva, can be a big help.

Canva has all kinds of design elements, and you can simply drag and drop them however you want. There are also premium features available for a small fee. Choose your design elements, pick the right pieces of info from the blog post and you’ll have an infographic for people to share across social media.

Venngage recommends taking a 5 step process:

  1. Select a story for the infographic
  2. Choose a type of infographic
  3. Get the relevant data
  4. Design the infographic
  5. Promote the infographic

If you want an in depth explanation of each step, click through here.

Turning Blog Posts into Dynamic Videos

Video marketing is only getting bigger, and making videos from your blog posts is an easy way to take advantage. Just like with infographics, there are also tools that can help you create outstanding video content.

Wibbitz is a popular choice for summarizing blog posts and turning them into videos, although this does result in rather basic videos. Moovly allows you to design your own animated videos. If you don’t mind getting in front of the camera, you can also record yourself as you talk about the blog post – just make sure to add some personality and a little flare to make it interesting for your viewers!

Turning Blog Posts into Short eBooks

A short eBook works very well when you want to get more in-depth on a subject important to you and your business. Another benefit of developing an eBook is that it helps position you and your business as an expert in your industry. Anyone can write blog posts, but an eBook, even a short one, requires more of a commitment.

“There is nothing easier than taking a large eBook and turning it into 25 blog posts, or taking 25 blog posts and turning them into an eBook,” says Marcus Sheridan of The Sales Lion.

When he wrote an eBook about the swimming pool industry, his life and business were transformed. Sales increased, his own knowledge about the industry was improved, and he became nationally recognized as an expert in the industry, just by writing an eBook.

Many of your competitors are not even thinking about writing an eBook, and something this simple can make the difference between losing customers or being consulted as an industry leader.

Canva isn’t just for infographics, as you can also use it to design eBooks. Since eBooks require more content, you may want to either expand on a blog post or combine multiple posts into one eBook.

Outsourcing Your Content Diversification

It’s easy enough to learn how to diversify your content through sites with online courses, such as Udemy. You could have your marketing employees take a course and learn how to create the new content you need.

However, you may find it simpler to outsource the content diversification. You could choose a third-party firm that handles this, or hire a freelancer on Upwork. One benefit with using freelancers is you can hire them for small jobs as you need them, meaning it’s just a small financial commitment.

By picking out the highlights and choosing the right design elements, you could make a fun infographic or turn a post into a video with minimal effort. For content that people can really sink their teeth into, you can turn one or more of those blog posts into an eBook. Even an eight to 10-page eBook can be great for your brand.

Be creative and consider all your options to get the most out of each blog post.

Published: April 13, 2018

Parker Davis

Parker Davis

Parker Davis is the CEO of Nexa, a leader in the virtual receptionist and technology enabled answering services industry. He believes that the application of data analytics, investment in technology, and fostering a positive company culture together create highly efficient and scalable growth companies. In 2016, Nexa achieved record revenues while also being awarded the Top Companies to Work For in Arizona award. Parker is also the Managing Partner of Annison Capital Partners, LLC, a private investment partnership. Follow him on Twitter @callnexa and on Facebook and LinkedIn.

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