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The Perfect Facebook Post

By: Jeff Bullas



Perfection. What is that? In the world of cars—is it a Ferrari? If it is art—could it be the Mona Lisa? With the profession of architecture, is it personified in the Sydney Opera House?

A rose?
Big claims, but you have to admit they’re all darn good. Memorable even—and maybe even the term “excellent” could be rolled out, and we could even stretch it to “awesome.” When you see something that is splendid, you know it. The visual impact can be visceral, emotional and inspiring.
Whatever the phrase, it is always good to strive for perfection. But keep in mind that if you are always “waiting” for your creation to be sublime and faultless, then that post will never be published or that book will never be written.
At some stage the finger needs to hit that “publish” button or that “enter” key.
7 Tips for the Perfect Facebook Post

Images on Facebook are the most shared of any media. As humans we do like a good picture. Facebook just makes it easy to acknowledge that with a “like,” or if we get really get excited we can even share it with our 500 “best” friends.

Creating a perfect Facebook post for images may not be possible, but here are 7 tips to help you move along the spectrum of excellence towards a “God like” Facebook post.

1. Post copy

Keep it short, sharp, and less than 90 characters, or make sure that if you have a URL include it near the top of that text. And asking a question about the image is sublime because it increases engagement.

2. Call to action

You need to include a URL in your post copy that drives your audience deeper into Facebook, your blog or your website. Also make that ugly long link more attractive by shortening it with bit.ly.

A bit like putting lipstick on a pig.

3. Target your Post

If you are targeting a country, language, or audience, then make the post relevant and specific for them.

4. Timely promotion

Want to reach a bigger audience? Then run it as a “sponsored story” on Facebook within 24 hours of posting. To ensure it works as an ad unit, make sure the image is square.

5. Image Upload

Make it at least 300 × 300 pixels and use an image that has high impact. This includes close-ups of people (don’t use a company logo), and colors like red and orange are good.

6. Mobile first

Facebook is very often viewed on a mobile device (some figures show that as being 70%) so use simple images, short copy, and yes/no questions are ideal.

7. Engage

Publishing that image post to Facebook is just the start. Engage with your audience with comments and even questions.
Infographic Source: Salesforce.com blog

What About You?

What has been the best Facebook post you have ever published? Was it an image, a video, or something else?

What techniques and tactics have worked for you?

Published: May 3, 2013

photo of a man smiling working on his computer

Jeff Bullas

Jeff Bullas is a consultant, blogger, strategist, and speaker. He works with companies and executives to optimize their online personal and corporate brands through the use of social media channels. Author of the Amazon best-selling book Blogging the Smart Way—How to Create and Market a Killer Blog with Social Media (Jeff Bullas, 2012), Jeff's own blog is included in AdAge.com's Power 150 ranking as a top 50 marketing blog.

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