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New Pinterest Marketing Tool Can Do Wonders for Your Brand

Social media marketers have no small job. As the web and its content are ever-changing, the need to be flexible, adaptable and knowledgeable about the comings and goings of social media platforms has become important for marketers. With each growing platform, the sites leading the web become necessary to navigate as sources for internet marketing and online branding.

Trending sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest are the top sources for connecting with and holding onto potential customers. The tricky part, though, is to find marketing tactics that work on each of these unique platforms. The only way to know if they actually work is through comprehensive analytics that follow each tactic.
Now, though, the guesswork is being done for you, and, well, it’s no longer guesswork. That’s right. The word is out: The newest online marketing tool has just been released by Tailwind, which has already been working hard to perfect Pinterest analytics. Its new Pinterest marketing tool, named Discover, will help you do just that, discover what works for your company and followers on a very visual platform.
See the Impact of Your Brand
The Discover tool, when used in combination with Tailwind, will allow companies to analyze many different aspects of the Pinterest platform. The tool helps pinpoint growing trends surrounding a company’s visual marketing on the site, to include data about the number of pins from their site, the number of repins of the same information, and any pins that relate to those from the company. It gathers information similarly, and more effectively, to the way hashtags and words do on other sites. The difference is that Discover tracks visual content rather than written.
Locate Leading Conversations
Discover uses this identification process to locate the leading conversations regarding pins from or about a company. It shows who is influential in the company’s industry, allowing for a more complex manner of seeking network opportunities. In so doing, companies will become more in tune to people who have a large following, giving them an opportunity to make a connection and spread their items to a larger audience.
Find New Customers
This new tool also points out any potential customers who are interested or who may be interested in a company’s product, which a company can tell based off of the pins by that potential customer. This insight gives the company the opportunity to reach out to the person and solicit a personal conversation regarding how their product can potentially be helpful to the interests of the person.
Let’s say, for example, that a customer shows interest in a Mustang convertible car. This customer is constantly pinning examples of how they would want their Mustang’s interior motor to look, as well as countless pictures of dream paint jobs for the exterior. A company that sells mustang car parts would look at this potential client and make a connection, showing, of course, that it, as a company, has plenty to offer to anyone interested in Mustangs. For someone interested in motors, they could point them to their Pinterest board devoted to Mustang motors.
Mustang Motors
With Tailwind’s new tool arriving on the online scene at a reasonable price, the businesses that have learned the power of engaging in social media marketing should be gathering their pennies and purchasing Discover. With the advent of this comprehensive marketing instrument, companies will begin to be smarter, savvier and altogether better at gaining insight into the minds of their potential clients. In so doing, they’ll grab more sales, experience higher ROIs, and gain invaluable experience to become smarter marketers.
Published: March 25, 2014

a woman

Savannah Marie

Savannah Marie is a blogger and editor of her blog, Mixios. She is passionate about online marketing, business, social media and public relations. When she isn’t focused on the newest trending topic, she is writing, baking, reading and enjoying life! 

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