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Know How to Leverage Email Segmentation? Here Are 4 Ways

By: Parker Davis


Know How to Leverage Email Segmentation

Email is sometimes viewed as a necessary evil in an office environment. While it’s a valuable tool to communicate between team members and clients, most people are not excited to check their inbox. You probably have more than a few spam emails sitting in your inbox right now!

The attitude around receiving mail is a problem for marketers. Email is a crucial part of being able to reach customers, but it can feel more and more like a chore for them to engage with your content and communicate openly with you. If you don’t offer them something of value, it’s a waste of everyone’s time.

This is where email segmentation comes in. Email segmentation is the process of separating your email subscribers into different groups to send them specialized, valuable content.

Add value for your customer

When companies do their research and send information that is relevant to their individual audiences, going beyond the demographic considerations and into individual interests, clients feel heard. 31% of surveyed customers wished they had a far more personalized customer experience, Nexa reports.

Customers who feel understood are far more likely to become loyalty to a company or brand. Ensure your content has the right tools and right substance, and you will find an improvement in customer retention.

Market along with the customer journey

A huge factor in your business’s overall success is your ability to meet customers where they are.

By strategically planning your marketing materials to match up with their individual customer journeys, you will show potential customers that you value their time. According to 66% of adults polled by Forrester, that’s the most important thing a company can do to provide them with a good experience.

Unless people know who you are or what you offer, there will be little chance anyone will buy something from you.

This is one of the key reasons as to why email marketing lists should be segmented.

There’s a big difference between cold leads and return buyers. It makes sense that the content targeting them should be different too.

This might mean marketing to new kinds of customers.

According to Mailchimp in 2017, recipients are 75% more likely to click on emails from a segmented campaign than a non-segmented campaign.

Transition on their terms

You can’t move your audience down the lead funnel without giving them any internal motivation to do so.

The simple truth is that a person who doesn’t know about the brand, product, or reason to buy is not going to become a customer. Having them gain trust in your voice is the first step to developing a mutually beneficial relationship.

This will ultimately lead to either them buying your product personally or offering referrals, which are crucial for your brand value.

Move forward with excellent email segmentation

Email segmentation can be tricky. If you aren’t able to find a way to reach your customers, you’re missing out on opportunities.

Give your audience reasons to believe in your brand, match your content with the customer journey, and make sure that content is high quality. You’ll see the results.

Published: June 3, 2019

Parker Davis

Parker Davis

Parker Davis is the CEO of Nexa, a leader in the virtual receptionist and technology enabled answering services industry. He believes that the application of data analytics, investment in technology, and fostering a positive company culture together create highly efficient and scalable growth companies. In 2016, Nexa achieved record revenues while also being awarded the Top Companies to Work For in Arizona award. Parker is also the Managing Partner of Annison Capital Partners, LLC, a private investment partnership. Follow him on Twitter @callnexa and on Facebook and LinkedIn.

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