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Going Beyond Blogs with Your Content Marketing

By: ScheduleBase


It’s the cry of content marketers heard ’round the world: “Blog often!”

Blogging certainly has its advantages. It boosts your search engine position for your top keywords. It also works as a sales tool answering questions before they’re asked. Now, with the proliferation of Internet access, smart content marketers are going beyond the blog to create even more content for consumers.
Here are five other types of content that you can offer to gain traction online.
1. Email
Your customers use email. Your competitors use email. Are you sending out regular newsletters?
Email is perhaps the easiest and best form of content marketing. Recent cries that email marketing is dead are false. If someone allows you into their inbox, it’s an invitation for you to cherish. Once you’ve made it to your prospects’ and customers’ inbox, you have their full attention.
It’s easy to ignore a social media post, but at some point everyone has to read their email. Don’t neglect this powerful channel.
2. Podcasts
Podcasts are making a comeback in a big, big way. Now, people listen to more podcasts in their car, while walking the dog, or on their daily run. If you want them to hear your message, start producing a podcast of your own.
Worried about production? Podcasts are not hard to create. There is a small learning curve, but it’s not steep. Get details and tutorials from Podcast Answer Man or do a simple search for “How to Podcast.” You’ll be surprised at how many resources are available to help you create your own radio show.
3. Infographics
A picture tells a faster, easier-to-digest story. Combine pictures with your top key points and you have a recipe for an image that will get shared.
The best part is, you don’t need graphic design or coding skills. There are plenty of free tools to get you started, such as Visualize.me, Piktochart and Easel.ly.
4. Video
YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world. If you’re not using it, you’re missing out!
People love putting a face to a name and humanizing the businesses they work with. Video makes that possible.
Video content does not have to be long, well-produced, or professional to be effective. Turn on your webcam and answer a common question on screen in minutes. Then, upload it to YouTube, and share the link on Facebook and Twitter.
5. Webinar
Are your customers struggling with something? Want to make their lives easier while establishing yourself or your brand as an authority in your space? Try webinars.
Webinars are usually one-hour episodes where you go in depth about a very specific topic. Use PowerPoint slides to add visual content to your verbal lesson. Better yet, you can record your webinar for future viewing. When it’s done, offer your webinar on-demand and ease the sales process for your customers.
Content marketing goes beyond basic blogging. It incorporates a variety of media to make it easier for customers to find and engage with your brand. What’s your favorite style of content marketing?
This article was originally published by ScheduleBase
Published: February 18, 2015

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ScheduleBase is online employee scheduling software from Atlas Business Solutions, Inc., a leading provider of business software solutions for over 20 years. ScheduleBase is used by all types of small businesses to schedule and communicate with full-time and part-time employees.

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