Recently on Facebook and Twitter I posted the following:
“How far can you push a rope? Not very far.
That’s why true influencers don’t push.”
A reader asked, “But if you think about how hard and how often to “pull,” when are you being strategic and when merely manipulative?”
I thank him for caring enough to want to use influence for good.
First, a powerful influencer does not pull hard; they pull gently.
Regarding the second part of his question, it depends whether you are thinking only of yourself without caring how it affects the other person. That would be manipulation.
On the other hand, if you are focused on helping them; combining the benefits of your goal with THEIR wants, needs, desires, goals, and values then it’s very positive; what I would call “positive persuasion.”
It’s also important to interpret the quote in context. If a person wanted to utilize the message in order to manipulate, they could. But, it’s not good business and it’s not good life.
Once you obtain a reputation for being self-centered and manipulative, you’ll find people staying away from you in droves. And, even those people who must be around you and work with you will resist and perhaps even sabotage whenever possible.
If one wants to use the message of the quote in order to benefit those they are influencing, they can do that. And, that’s what great leaders; what great influencers do.
And, that’s why they are successful.

This article was originally published by Bob Burg
Published: January 27, 2014