Even the least tech-savvy people know one universal truth about the internet: viral videos are king. What makes a video spread like wildfire across the internet is hard to pin down, but the most important detail is that it resonates with its audience enough to get the sharing ball rolling.
Author: Ivan Serrano is an online journalist and business enthusiast living in Southern California. In addition to writing about small business marketing and communications, he also enjoys covering video content marketing and why it should hold a place in every business plan.
A big part about what entices viewers to begin sharing is the content itself, but another key aspect of the formula is where the video is hosted. It really isn’t as easy as shooting a video and posting it to YouTube—not every video hosting and sharing site is made equal.
The infographic below will introduce you to the biggest, most effective options your business has in terms of social media. It also shows what kind of content excels at being noticed and shared on its respective platform. This information is crucial in finding a home for your latest video marketing campaign, or what kind of content you need to expand your social presence on a new network.
Check it out, take notes, and get ready to become an overnight sensation!

Infographic Source: GlobalTollFreeNumber.com

Published: May 22, 2014