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Make a Big Impact Habit for Long Term Success

By: Deb Bixler



A small effort on a consistent basis will make a bigger impact on your life or your business than a big habit made intermittently.

Think about your health. If you were to eat 10 apples today and again every 10 days, chances are you would not be the picture of health. On the other hand, eating 1 apple a day every day for the rest of your life will add up to a big impact long-term.
When you run 5 miles today and do so again about once a month it does not do much for your body except tear it down. On the other hand if you were to walk a mile every day no matter what for the rest of your life, chances are you would live a long life.
A Big Impact Habit
A big impact habit is something that is easy to do. So easy, as a matter of fact, that you can do it forever, and when you do so it adds up to a big result.
Think About Your Home Business
In a home business there is what they call the Pareto principle, more commonly known in the direct sales industry as the 80:20 Rule.
There are many ways to interpret the 80:20 Rule. Just a few examples are:
• 80% of the people do 20% of the work.
• 20% of the people do 80% of the sales.
• 80% of the people never succeed
• While only 20% reach their goals.
The 20% who do reach their goals, the 20% who do 80% of the sales, do so because they use a big impact habit or two.
Most people working from home do a whole lot of work for a short time, and then do not do so again for a while:
Example: Call 50 leads today then do not make any calls for another week.
A big impact habit would be to make ONLY 3 calls but to do it every single day! When you make 3 phone calls a day no matter what, every day, your efforts will add up to big results.
A Better Marketing Technique
A big impact habit is a far better technique to market your business for a variety of reasons:
• When you do 50 in one day you may get better at it as you go along but by the time you get back to it next month you forgot the skills.
• Making 3 a day, every day, your skills will continuously grow and you become more effective.
• 50 in a day means that you have 50 cases to document or follow up on and chances are you will not do a good job of it.
• When you call only 3 per day you can document your actions well. You will develop systems to keep the leads organized and your office management system will be more effective.
A big impact habit is a habit that is so small that you can do it forever. The results compound and build on themselves. Like compound interest, a big impact habit begins to take on a life of its own.
Your big impact habit can be anything you want in your business or your personal life. In the example we gave above if you are applying it to your business you may want to do only 2 calls a day. The point is that it NEEDS to be do-able. So simple and so do-able that you can keep on doing every day no matter what!
Published: June 18, 2013

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Deb Bixler

Direct sales party plan educator, Deb Bixler, host of the Cash Flow Show - Direct Sales Radio is the leading authority for home party plan business training. Recognized worldwide, Deb provides corporate consultancy, party plan coaching, online and live training events as well as social media management for the home business consultant.

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