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6 Benefits of Custom Software Development for Small Business

For most small business owners working in today’s modern age, utilizing software to support business functions is a vital aspect of running a business. Unfortunately, existing software may not have all of the functionality that…

What is the Custom Software Development Process?

Custom software development is an elaborate process of developing, maintaining, and designing a software product tailored to cater to a client’s specific needs. A custom software product is the opposite of commercial-off-the-shelf software, or COTS,…

Business Requirements Document for Software Development. How to Make it Right?

Software development is complicated. It takes time, money, and effort to create any digital product, even the simplest one. Yet, there’s still a common misconception about the whole process among business owners. Many entrepreneurs believe…

E D I software

5 Reasons It’s a Great Time to Invest in EDI Software

Now is the time to implement EDI (electronic data interchange) in your business, as it helps organizations to continue their growth. Numerous companies are interested in EDI software as they’ve seen how much value it…

industrial food manufacturing equipment

5 Critical Features of Food Manufacturing Software 

Food manufacturing software is a type of business software that enables companies to streamline and scale up operations while reducing costs and complying with stricter regulatory and customer requirements quickly and easily. This type of…


Do Digital Tools Make Us More Or Less Productive At Work?

Technological tools have gotten into practically every industry in the world. And they have led to improved productivity and enhanced service delivery. But not in all cases has this been the scenario. In this article,…

4 Smart Ways to Cut Small Business Expenses

Have you ever read Dilbert? It is a long-standing comic strip that pokes fun at the business world. Occasionally, the strip pokes fun at companies spending hundreds of thousands on consultants to help them save…

How to Make the Most Useful Dashboard

The need for real time information From sports car to aircraft to super tanker, successful operation depends upon the pilot’s understanding and urgent timely use of a dashboard.  Real time information is critical to real time…

5 Strategies for Marketing Your SaaS Business

Image by StartupStockPhotos from Pixabay Marketers often struggle when it’s time to craft a good SaaS marketing strategy. Even the more experienced ones have difficulties achieving the desired results. This happens simply because more traditional…

How Digital Transformation Is Empowering SMBs During the Pandemic

In addition to threatening our personal wellbeing and healthcare systems, COVID-19 has jeopardized the stability and survival of enterprises, hitting small to medium businesses (SMBs) particularly hard. Unlike larger companies, SMBs have fewer assets, smaller…

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