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Avoid WordPress Hacks & Security Risks

As a small business owner, your website is the main component of your digital marketing strategy. As 23% of the entire internet is made up of WordPress sites, there’s a good chance that your company’s…

Increase Your Site’s Conversion Rate with UX and UI Optimization

Managing or increasing conversion rates is certainly a tricky game. Very often, designers and developers leave this task to the marketers who invest tons for a “social presence” and produce content that doesn’t give them…

What is a Predictive Lead Score?

Not all leads are created equal; some leads are ready to make a purchase while others need a bit more nurturing. A good marketing strategy accounts for where a lead is on the buyer’s journey before…

How to Reduce Shopping Cart Abandonment

Shopping cart abandonment is one of the challenges faced by businesses, with the average rate of abandonment edging close to 70%. Small businesses, in particular, can be heavily impacted by loss of sales through cart…

Discover How These Two Web Design Trends Can Boost Your Engagement

If you’ve ever wanted to say something like, “As far as I’m concerned all web designers can go to you know where!” it looks like your request has been granted. Okay, I’m not talking about what…

SaneBox: An Exceptional Tool to Manage Your Emails

Life without email would be unimaginable at this point—we rely on this form of communication far too much to be able to give it up. We use it to keep in touch with family and…

4 Tips to Get Ready for a Hardware Hackathon

The word “hackathon” often evokes stereotypical images of geeks wired on Red Bull pulling an all-nighter in front of computers with a stack of pizza boxes behind them. For Adam Benzion, co-founder of Hackster, that…

Will Ad-Blocking Software Destroy Mobile Advertising?

Full disclosure: I don’t like online ads. As a digital marketer who spends most of his day on the computer, they tend to slow me down and distract me from my work (which, somewhat ironically,…

6 Ways You Could Go Wrong with Your Mobile App Development

Today, mobile apps have become extremely popular, and these are taking the mobile experience to a great new level. If you are currently running a business or you have a terrific entrepreneurial idea and want…

From Mortar and Bricks to Cash and Clicks

If you told someone a decade ago they would be getting their groceries delivered via drone one day, they probably would have laughed at you. There were plenty of people who didn’t take online sales seriously…

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