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Is There Room for Small Internet Providers in Today’s Market?

Today’s market is insanely competitive! Giant companies are doing everything to keep their positions, while small businesses fight for survival. The game is cruel, and it most often ends badly for the little players. The…

7 Ways to Find Current Business Trends for Your Online Store

Trends come and go. However, when you own an online store, knowing the latest trends is a must to succeed. The thing is, finding the latest trends can be challenging and, quite often, as soon…

New Regulation Aims to Protect Your Stored Information: Here’s What You Need to Know

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes in to play in May 2018, which will see a complete overhaul of how businesses protect and store your data, replacing the old data protection directive from 1995….

The Worst Data Leakage of the Decade

One of the most damaging ordeals that any business can go through is data leakage. Not only do businesses lose the trust of their clients, but it’s also the same as getting a cut in…

It Takes a Balance of Creativity, Communication, and Technology to Make a Good Website

You’ve probably heard someone suggest that it’s important to have balance in your life, whatever your activity, your passion, or your business. This applies to holding on to the proven methods of the past and…

What Makes SD-WAN Different from SDN, NFV, and VNF?

It seems that every day, there’s a new collection of software acronyms that are necessary to know. Further, some of these acronyms embrace additions, such as SD-WAN — and often acronyms merge with other acronyms, such as SD-WAN-NFV….

Product Feed Best Practices for Shopping Campaigns

Shopping campaigns are a great way for e-commerce retailers to sell their products online. Many retailers find it easy to set up shopping campaigns, as their product feeds are setup in a way that makes…

The Importance of Data Cabling for Corporate Phone Systems

In the world of personal smartphones, travel-friendly laptops, and the bring-your-own-device workplace, what advantages does a localized data-cabling system confer on today’s companies. The answer is simple: The right internal data-cabling system can end up being…

7 Easy-to-Follow Tips for Computer Security

On a daily basis, I get walk-ins at my computer repair company who ask very similar questions: How can I protect my identity and sensitive information when surfing the web? Quite a few people aren’t…

How to Build a Professional-Looking Website in an Hour or Less

Building a website, no matter the purpose, might seem a bit overwhelming. I can tell you first-hand that building a website has actually never been easier. Today, we have access to countless website building tools….

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