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Don’t Fall Behind Your eCommerce Competitors This Year

I recently spoke with one of our new customers recently who has been paying for an eCommerce website for two years and hasn’t sold one thing. That’s right, NOT A THING!

The 2014 State of eCommerce SEO

It’s no secret that SEO has been on a rollercoaster ride the last few years. This is particularly true for eCommerce companies. Google and the other search engines have made huge strides at making sure they serve up only the best problem-solving content in their index.

eCommerce and SEO: 24 Tips to Improve Conversions

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is an essential task to drive the numbers of visitors to a site and transform them into a valuable customer for your business. There are many facets involved in CRO, from user experience to data analysis.

What Apple’s Digital Currency Policy Update Means for eCommerce

Apple recently performed an about-face on its digital currency position choosing to now allow apps that trade digital currency such as bitcoin in its store.

eCommerce Today [Infographic]

The ecommerce landscape is rapidly changing. Global spending on eCommerce in 2012 reached just over 1 trillion dollars. 82% of those who shop online still do so through the traditional method of a desktop pc or laptop. However, over the past couple of years, mobile shopping has seen increases year on year with 18% now shopping either through their mobile phone or portable tablet device. This figure was as low as 2% back in 2010.

eCommerce Today: A Brief Overview

The eCommerce landscape is rapidly changing and in order to better understand these changes, we’re taking a look at the “eCommerceToday” infographic, by CueCommerce.

What Should My Business’s Mobile App Include?

Are you toying with the idea of developing a mobile app for your business? Do you think a mobile app would benefit your business but you’re stuck as to what it should include?

Thinking “Mobile First” for Your Website Redesign

If you’ve been thinking about a website redesign, chances are good that you’ve been reading about various techniques to optimize your site for mobile devices. In order for your site to be successful, it’s extremely important to consider how your website will look and how your message will be conveyed on the smallest of screens.

Why Audience Intent Should Be at the Top of Your Content Marketing Strategy

When it comes to content strategy, SEO has traditionally been the primary focus for digital marketing professionals. This strategy is no longer enough, as content marketing has become the key to search engine performance and building a successful digital presence.

Is Your Website a Novelty or a Utility?

If you’re a small business owner who has put off committing to a website, the time has come to build one. If you have a website that is operating more like a novelty than a utility, the time has come for a redesign.

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