Personal Readiness

10 Businesses You Can Start for $1,000 or Less

Mighty oaks from little acorns grow. – Traditional English proverb. I’m willing to wager that many of you reading this have a regular routine of stopping by your favorite local barista each day to pick up…

7 Excuses We Use That Crush Our Dreams

The emergence of so much change has many of us scratching our heads and feeling a bit overwhelmed. Just yesterday we were all chatting about “that” new social network called Facebook. We asked questions. Should…

The American Dream Embodied

Ah, the American Dream. As the stories of sacrifice, hard-work and struggle paying off with prosperity appear to be few and far between, it is always inspiring to see the underlying tenet of the magnificence…

Embracing the Unknown: How I Decided to Found My Own Business

A little over a year ago, I was the chief technologist at Dyn, the fastest growing private company in New Hampshire with an internet performance product suite that is changing how companies connect to their…

Free (and Honest) Small Business Owner Job Description

I have stressed the importance of creating job descriptions before you start hiring to expand your small business. But I recently realized that I’ve never discussed a job description for the actual small business owner. Instead of…

How Big Thinking Will Let You Achieve Big

Do you find yourself in a rut? Do you want to live a life you want for yourself rather than someone else mapping it out for you? To change your current situation, you need to…

Small Biz Interviews: Build It and They Will Come

Architecture is a unique field that combines artistry with mathematical precision; it requires long days of bouncing between loosened up creativity and buttoned up exactness. Design too requires a similar blend of left and right…

How to Tell If It’s the Right Time to Start a Small Business

Many people dream of owning their own businesses, but it’s a lot easier said than done. Lots of potential entrepreneurs put off the dream for years and years, waiting until they are ready to take…

The Restaurant Biz: What You Need to Know Before Opening Your First Location

According to a study by Ohio State University, up to 60 percent of all restaurants fail within the first year while as many as 80 percent fail by their fifth year. However, if you are…

Read Like a Successful Person

Struggling to read effectively can impact every area of your business life, including screening an applicant’s CV or resume, providing good customer service, or otherwise running your company. If you struggle with reading and want…

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