DECA: Educating Future Entrepreneurs
One of the best-kept secrets in the world of entrepreneurship is DECA, an organization for high school and college students looking to learn about business and leadership. They have been around for more than 60 years, and have more than 200,000 members all over America, Canada, and other countries around the world.
Don’t Forget Creative Fund Raising
Let me tell you the story of how I raised $100,000 to fill a gap needed to purchase a new home for my young family years ago. I had located a beautiful home that would be a stretch to finance, and had arranged for a first mortgage from the bank, and a second from the seller.
The Case for Lower Case: A Rebranding Conundrum
Ever wondered if having your brand name written in lower case on your logo is appropriate? Amazon, ebay, facebook, flicker, intel, citibank, macy’s, bp, vitamin water, and xerox, are brands who switched from first letter capitalization to lower case just to name a few.
Is the Ideal Entrepreneur Right Brain or Left Brain?
Traditionally, the majority of entrepreneurs have been logical thinkers, problem solvers, and pay attention to details. These are the stereotypical left-brain engineers. Yet I see a big shift from the knowledge age, with its left-brain foundation, to a critical focus today on visualization, creativity, relationships, and collaboration, which are more in the domain of right-brainers.
Whether to Move Your Small Business from Your Home Office
Many small businesses start out as a simple office in a spare room. As your company grows, you might end up needing more space, more help, or both. Entrepreneurs are often hesitant to leave the comfort of their comfortable homes for an office, but it’s usually a necessary move that will impact the business’s success.
How Small Brand Awareness Works
Recently I’ve had the pleasure of being on an experts panel at Bob Proctor’s Matrixx event held in Toronto, Ontario. As an expert I did my best to assist individuals realize what their brand is or could be. It was an invigorating experience.
Franchise Business’s Profit and Loss
When you’re searching for the right franchise, you’ll have lots of documents to read, plenty of people to talk to, and advice from all sides. One piece of the puzzle that many future franchisees overlook is the profit and loss statement (P&L) from your potential franchisor.
Prime Retail Space Worldwide [Infographic]
Retail rental rates over the last 5 years have grown substantially, as depicted in this infographic, which explores prices of retail rental space in major cities throughout the world. City center areas and areas with high population density usually equal high footfall, therefore creating higher retail rental prices.
You’re 50. You’re Downsized. Now What?
As you may have witnessed yourself, the job market no longer provides the long-term security it once offered. Previous generations grew accustomed to a certain career and the length of time they would be in that job—this is now less of a reality than ever before.
Accelerators: A Recent and Positive Trend
Are you a candidate for an accelerator? You’ll give up some small amount of equity to the accelerator, receive some amount of cash in return during the program, and learn more in a short time than you’d expect from more formal education programs.