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Can a Slogan Make You Buy?

Think of all your favorite purchases over the past year. They can be personal or stuff for your business. Now write down both the items and their slogans. DON’T look them up.

Multi-Unit Franchising is Very Popular

Multi-unit franchising—that is, investing in more than one franchise location at the same time—is becoming a popular approach to franchising, with franchisees and with franchisors.

Grants May Be Free, But They Do Come at a Price

Every investor in your startup, even friends and family, normally expects a share of your company (equity), which means your return for all your effort goes down quickly.

If They Don’t Care, Are You Even There?

I received an email from a college student, asking if he could interview me. Two of his questions in particular caught my attention because they put the spotlight on a dangerous mistake that many seasoned marketers make.

True Wisdom and False Lessons

As the Sages taught, “Who is wise? The one who learns from all others.” How often do we learn from an experience or a teaching but rather than stopping at the actual wisdom, take the lesson to a false conclusion?

The Licensing Downfalls for a Business Model

When it comes to choosing between licensing and franchising, proceed with caution. Licensing works better for products or intellectual property. A perfect example is software.

What Makes a Great Franchise?

If the franchise you are looking at doesn’t have a strong business system or a proven business model, then cross it off your list and move on. What is the difference?

Is Timing the Key to Business Success?

Here’s food for thought. Idealabs founder Bill Gross analyzed several hundred startups, from big successes to big failures, looking for the most important startup keys to success.

The Importance of the Hyper-Local Economy

Hyperlocality in the food industry is a fast growing trend, and there aren’t any signs of it letting up anytime soon. If you haven’t heard of it before, the best way to explain it would be to describe it using proximity.

How to Be Camera-Ready for Your Business Video

Videos are a great way to spread information about your company. They can educate, entertain and engage your audience. These are all positive benefits of video marketing.

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