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Read Like a Successful Person

Struggling to read effectively can impact every area of your business life, including screening an applicant’s CV or resume, providing good customer service, or otherwise running your company. If you struggle with reading and want…

Content is Still King in Building Your Business

Providing relevant, valuable content is one of the most effective ways to attract new clients and develop a loyal customer base. When you use content to brand your business, you have access to unlimited exposure…

4 Immigrant Success Stories That Prove the American Dream is Still Alive

In the words of Scottish immigrant and US entrepreneur B.C. Forbes, “Business was originated to produce happiness, not to pile up millions.” The spirit of US enterprise has attracted millions of people over the years,…

6 Hidden Business Startup Costs

Starting a business is exciting! You’re finally ready to bring your dreams to life, become your own boss, and strengthen your local business community. You’ve got everything figured out…at least, you’re pretty sure you do….

This One Habit Transformed My Life

Financial security can be paid for two ways. Get a job or become an entrepreneur. Starting a business is often seen as a big bang approach. High risk and a big financial commitment. Find a bricks…

So You’ve Bought a Small Business: What’s Next?

If you’ve just bought a business then the next few months is a critical period for you and your newly acquired enterprise. First impressions count, so it’s your chance to win the respect of your…

What Advertising Structure Makes Sense for Your Franchise?

There are many aspects of franchising that factor into the overall success. Creating the FDD, recruiting franchisees, and developing proprietary products typically take the spotlight. One that doesn’t receive a lot of attention is building…

How to Make Money on Your Brilliant Business Idea

So you have a brilliant business idea that will be very successful. My congratulations to you. Now read all ideas are brilliant and nobody is going to pay you for your ideas. Are you still sure? All right then,…

7 Startup Scenarios That May Be Judged Non-Fundable

If you aren’t willing to take some risk as an entrepreneur, then don’t expect any gain. Yet everyone has limits, and every investor implicitly has similar limits on what makes a startup investable, or one…

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