Creating a Plan

When So-Called Experts Say Don’t Do a Business Plan…

Don’t do a long static formal business plan. Do a lean, just-big-enough business plan. Deal with it as a constantly-renewing latest version, with a shelf life of a few weeks at most.

Little-Known Startup Cities Around the World

Looking for a place to start your business? Everyone thinks of Silicon Valley thanks to its dominance in the tech industry, but there are so many places that are great for startups. This infographic from WhoIsHostingThis looks at some of the top startup cities around the US and the world.

A Startup Goldmine: Combining Healthcare and Technology

Small businesses should be at the forefront of modern technology. Anyone desiring to engage in a successful startup should consider the plethora of technological advances, literally, at our fingertips.

Using Passion to Fuel Your Business When the Odds Are Stacked Against You

Pursuing your passion is exciting and can lead to great success, but you have to follow certain principles. Here are a few insights I picked up throughout my journey.

Half a Dozen Tips for New Bakery Owners

Running a bakery is not easy, and running a successful one is a whole other story. With long hours and hard work being the norm, it’s difficult for even the best bakers to run a profitable business.

3 Traits That Make for a Great Business Idea

There are over 300 million Americans, and many of them have had an idea for what they think could make a great business. Few ever actually give it a shot, and fewer still are successful. So what actually does make for a great business idea?

From Idea to Launch in 6 Weeks

Starting a new tech business is an incredibly hard feat when you have minimal workers, minimal funds and only second hand knowledge and hypotheses. You might have the ability to make a stunning site with an incredibly innovative concept behind it, but there’s a whole load more behind making your startup business a success.

Tips for Being a Fitness and Nutrition Entrepreneur

If you are looking for a fairly easy startup idea with big earning potential, consider the health, fitness, nutrition, and weight loss industry.

Project ABC: How I Created a Profitable Offer

Have you ever launched a new service or offer only to be met with crickets? It’s discouraging to put your heart into something only to have it flop.

The Rule of Thirds

It is rare when one person starts a company, supplies all the funding, and shares no management tasks or equity with others, and still grows the company to any significant size, worthy of a multi-million dollar opportunity to cash out at exit.

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