Marketing Plans

Adjusting Your Marketing Focus

When you started your business, you entered the marketplace ready to solve a specific problem. It’s the whole point of any business, really — to help people by providing a solution to a someone’s problem.

Care About Them, Not Us

We recently bought an ad for a client and the ad rep suggested we make a big deal out of the fact that our client has been in business for 130 years. I politely told her that we definitely were not going to do that.

Storytelling, Storytelling, and More Storytelling

Seems like every marketing book, blog and study is talking about how we should be using storytelling as a marketing technique. I couldn’t agree more. Unfortunately, I think most attempts fall short.

Brands Have Lots to Say But Only One Mouth to Say It With

Brand messages. They’re an important part of branding your company. They could be messages to speak to all your stakeholders or to just one of them. Brand messages can speak directly to your customers.

Still Haven’t Embraced Content Marketing? Why Not?

Trends in digital technology are expanding the use of marketing methods beyond the strategies previously embraced, now referred to as “traditional marketing.”

Plant Some Marketing Seeds

By the time a farmer is harvesting his crop, he’s already well into the planning of his upcoming planting season. We marketing types could learn a lot from those farmers.

4 Ways to Kick Your Q4 Marketing Plan into High Gear

I’m guessing that for you, the fourth quarter means more activity, anxiety, and income than other times of the year. While you can’t bury your head from what is the busiest retail season of the year, you can be smarter about how you market for it.

5 Marketing Lessons from Justin Timberlake

Could it be that if we stopped and analyzed how Justin has strategically developed his career, we’d find some key trends that can be applied to our own business? Even if our business has nothing to do with music? Or tequila? Or ‘bringing sexy back’?

Offline Conversations Rule for Millennial Word-of-Mouth Marketing

Millennials are tech-savvy. Millennials live in their social networks through mobile devices. But, guess what? They share most of their conversations offline in person!

How Cause Marketing Can Be Smart Marketing

In the last 20 years, the term “cause marketing” came onto the horizon. The whole idea was this: Many companies donate their time, their talent and their money to various charities, but it was done without anyone knowing about it or the company gaining any additional value from being a good citizen.

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