Marketing Innovations

How Marketing Has Changed in a Coronavirus World

With few exceptions, most small-medium businesses and nonprofits have been affected by the coronavirus pandemic. We’ve had to take an adapt-or-die approach to operations, and that includes marketing. In my recent post, “Don’t Stop Marketing:…

COVID-19 Has Changed Business Forever… Is Your Marketing Keeping Up?

Friends, I hope you all are staying safe, practicing social distancing, and avoiding the COVID-19 Virus.  Here at Betwext, we are lucky. Our team already worked from home… so it’s business as usual (sort of)….

The 9 Best TikTok Bots To Help You Go Viral Right Now

The best TikTok bots will help you grow your following fast and save you tons of time from doing manual, repetitive tasks. TikTok is trending at the moment. More and more people are using this…

It’s Just Science: Why Stories Are So Powerful

Stories are woven into our souls from the moment we are born. When we’re little, bedtime stories soothe us to sleep; as we get older, we begin to seek out stories for entertainment via movies,…

5 Creative Ways To Market Your Small Business On A Tight Budget

Maximize Scant Resources When it comes to a small business, getting visible in your local community—or the online community you serve—is paramount to attracting a target market that becomes sustainable. Whatever you can do to…

How to Develop the Perfect Video Story

“Storytelling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world.” Robert McKee In the not-so-distant past, we approached marketing and advertising much differently than we do today. Instead of appealing to the people…

6 Ways Aspiring Business Owners Can Leverage Market Research and Competitive Analysis

(Photo by William Iven on Unsplash) So, you want to start a business? Although the right resources and passion will go far, you must employ competitive analysis techniques before you can launch! Not sure how to carry…

Yes, Cold Outreach Can Promote Your Business App. Here Are 6 Steps.

Thought building an app was hard enough? Wait till you get around to marketing your app and finding users. A lot of mobile app businesses opt for a “hope and pray” approach when it comes…

6 Ways AI Can Make Money or Waste Your Money in Retail

The capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI) have grown tremendously in the last few years. Thanks to machine learning and computers that are better able to think in the same way as humans, for the first…

The Best Promotional Products of the Year: An Infographic

While many small business owners know that promotional products are a way to advertise their products or services, there’s often a question about which ones are right for them. Bags? Pens? Stationery? It’s completely understandable—there…

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