Advertising and Lead Generation
Why Native Advertising is Taking Over
There’s a lot of talk going on in the online marketing industry about the seemingly imminent takeover of native advertising. Advertisers, publishers, bloggers, and affiliates all seem to be ready and waiting for the shift from traditional banner ads to sponsored content, expecting native advertising to really step into the spotlight in 2014.
3 Time-Saving Hacks to Help You Close More Sales
I think we can all agree that a salesperson’s time is their most valuable asset. I’ve been in sales longer than I can remember, so I know very well from experience just how much a salesperson’s effectfiveness can suffer by limiting their productivity and misusing their time.
How Good Copy Can Make Your B2B Sales Presentations More Effective
I used to think copywriting was good for selling consumers stuff like penny stock newsletters, rare gold coins, and for causes that preserve fish habitats. But I couldn’t have been more wrong.
Breaking AdWords Announcements: A Renewed Focus on Users
The team at AdWords had been teasing about a huge update on 4/22 for better part of a month. Unlike Enhanced Campaigns, minimal information was provided ahead of time to agencies.
Targeting Trends to Pay Attention to in 2014
As Q1 of 2014 came to a close, we at Digishop Girl Media have taken a step back to review some of the tactics we feel are going to be vital to your digital strategy. Retargeting, Social Media Targeting and Cross Platform Targeting are the critical components of a solid digital marketing plan.
Is Creativity Bad for Marketing?
As a writer just typing the question, “Is creativity bad for marketing?” hurts a little. But I’ve been in some situations recently where it was evident that the long-term objectives were not being well served by an infusion of creativity.
5 Ways to Perfect Lead Scoring with HubSpot
Have you ever wondered how to separate the sales ready leads from the ones that aren’t quite there yet? The answer lies in the missing link to your current marketing strategy: lead scoring.
Digital Video Ad Convergence Keeps TV Relevant
One of the big winners of this inevitable march toward digital integration is none other than the crown jewel of traditional advertising: TV. Long Live the Boob Tube.
Moneyball Inbound Marketing
Data-driven decision making has grown exponentially in recent years and gut instinct has become less of a driving factor in all industries from professional baseball to retail shopping to yes, marketing.