Advertising and Lead Generation

3 Ways Publishers Can Optimize for Conversions

Conversion rate optimization is the best way to increase revenues without increasing the amount of money being spent on advertisements. Here are three ways that publishers can increase conversions.

Show Me a Sign—One That REALLY Sells the Idea!

I recently saw a photo of a sign that—macabre as it was—no doubt brought some laughs. I immediately went into sales and marketing mode and thought of how perfect a message it was, including all the basic elements.

The 3 Stages of Leaflet Distribution

Every small business owner wants to get to the end goal of distribution, leading to an increase in sales and leads. The following infographic dives deep into the graphic side with small but important pointers that non-savvy users may have overlooked, along with understanding the print process and what is right for your needs as a business owner or consumer.

5 Mobile Marketing Tips You Need to Know

If you are just getting started in mobile marketing or have been involved with it for sometime, you already know that developing a great strategy is just as, if not more important, than implementing an online marketing strategy for desktop users.

4 Types of Video Marketing That Will Increase Your Site Conversions

Knowing how to create videos is only half the battle. You also need to know which types of videos to create. So let’s walk through the different types of videos you can leverage to increase visitor time on site, improve engagement levels and ultimately increase leads and sales.

Essential Tips for a Great Direct Mail Marketing Campaign

Direct mail marketing is regaining its position as the favorite sales tool of small businesses. Earlier direct mail was intended to reach the maximum number of recipients and was more of a shot in the dark, hoping to hit the right target.

Native Advertising Tips for Small Businesses

Native advertising has become an increasingly popular online marketing tactic in 2014, proving to be much more effective than traditional display ads, which go largely ignored by online viewers.

The Karate Kid Guide to Creating Compelling Business Case Studies

I’m a child of the 80’s,which mean’s I’m a fan of soft rock, arcade games and cheesy action movies. And there’s none cheesier than The Karate Kid. Now imagine for a moment that, instead of a classic teen action flick, The Karate Kid was in fact a video case study for Mr. Miyagi’s school of karate.

Everything You Need to Know About Mobile Ads [Infographic]

On average it costs $2.85 to reach 1,000 iPhone users with a mobile ad. Compare that to a national newspaper, which can cost as much as $100 for 1,000 viewers. Obviously, mobile ads are a very effective way to spend your advertising dollars, but how do you start?

How to Choose Between Online and Offline Marketing Techniques for Your Business

Most, if not all, businesses can benefit from some blend of offline and online marketing techniques, but choosing which to focus on can be tricky. The bottom line is simple: try to determine what type of consumers you wish to connect with, and understand what will work best for them.

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