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QoS: Quality of Service
In the old days of land lines, telecommunications providers were very concerned about QoS. Broadly, that meant crystal clear calls, connected 100% of the time and never dropped.
At What Point Should Your Business Consider Small Fleet Insurance?
No matter how small, your business might rely on commercial vehicles to survive. Whether to transport goods, visit customers, or indeed transport customers, commercial vehicles are important assets to the business.
Start a Conversation with Your Customer?
Start a conversation with your customer? I know, it’s crazy talk. Why in the world would you want to talk to the very people who choose to do business with you?
5 Processes Every Small Business Owner Should Automate Today
Automation is a forceful way to win the attention game and ensure that you are spending your time growing your business rather than using your time to complete repetitive tasks.
How to Prevent Workplace Bullying
In every office, not everyone will get along. You’ll always have employees who will butt heads and supervisors who share their feelings about another supervisor just a little too openly and candidly with subordinates. So at what point does a person cross the line from having a bad day to becoming the workplace bully?
Is Big Data Saving Your Business Money?
One of the major watchwords of the last couple of years is “big data.” Experts talk about how much information a company can glean from its customers using the massive amounts of data that is collected.
Top 8 Tips for Preventing Employee Theft
Employee theft is not unheard of. In fact, it is one of the most serious threats that loom over small businesses. Slack recruitment, careless supervision, misdirected trust, and a lack of financial controls can ultimately result in internal theft or employee theft.
Are You Properly Managing Your Core Competency?
Before you decide to move your manufacturing, software development, or call center out of town, make sure you understand the following considerations.
10 Tips to Better Employee Training
While training your new employees is one of the most costly components of your HR needs, it’s also one of the most essential. A well-trained employee will thrive in her work environment, make your job easier, and keep customers happy.
8 Reasons Why It Pays to Outsource
Companies use outsourcing to delegate various types of business processes to other parties or agencies for a variety of reasons. Whether it be benefiting from the competitive cost of labor or loosening up the load on internal personnel, outsourcing is the most economical and sound solution in many different scenarios.