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Run and Grow

5 Ways to Turn Indifferent Customers into Raving Fans

Providing good customer service just isn’t enough anymore, not with companies the world over clamoring for the dwindling dollars consumers spend. And heaven forbid your customer service should be classified average! That could, literally, be…

The 2016 Customer Election

While watching the never ending media commentary on the 2016 election, it occurred to me that the political arena is not the only place where a new reality has emerged. The fight for customers in…

How to Break the $10 Million Ceiling in Your Business

Getting over the $10 million hump in our business has taken some time and has not been an overnight process, as some might think. My company, Star Staffing, has been in business since 1998. I joined the…

Disciplining Employees

Effective leadership is putting first things first. Effective management is discipline, carrying it out. ~Stephen Covey One of the hardest things to do is discipline an employee. Most people just do not want to hurt…

How Life Insurance Can Protect Your Business

As an entrepreneur, you’ve spent years of your life building a name for yourself by opening your own business. But what happens when you’re gone? Without a plan in place, there’s nothing to protect your…

What’s Your Oops Plan?

Every business needs to have an oops plan—a pre-determined course of action that allows you to make amends with your customers when something goes wrong. This isn’t something you can create on the fly—it needs…

5 Tips for Training Your Small Business Employees on a Budget

Business success greatly depends on a well-trained work force. Despite the importance of training, small businesses often regard it as unproductive time, choosing to focus on activities that directly produce revenue instead. Although giving sales…

Internships A to Z

College and high school students are frequently utilized by businesses and non-profit organizations as interns. These arrangements can be beneficial to the organization as the organization may get the services and insights from the intern,…

3 Ways Data is the Key to Retail Growth

Data is more available and more easily accessible than ever before. However, if you do not know how to access it, or what to do with it when you get it, it doesn’t help you…

Good Answer! Responding to Customer Compliments

If your front line customer service staff is doing everything right, then they will likely receive customer compliments. Woo HOO! What a customer service representative says in response to a compliment may be as important…

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