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Run and Grow

The Real Cost of Bad Customer Service

Customer Service is sacred to any business, but how can you really measure the significance of its impact? So called bad customer service stems from the reluctance to embrace what the customer actually wants and…

How to Protect Your Company Lists and Trade Secrets

Most senior and middle level managers will understand when a subordinate comes to them to resign and begin a new business. But all will immediately question whether the new business will compete in any way…

I’m a CEO: What Should I Outsource?

If you’re running a company, it probably means that you are A) incredibly adept at working well in a wide variety of disciplines, and B) incredibly worn out from taking care of aspects of your…

21 Easy Phone Tips for Outstanding Customer Experiences

Did you know that the old-fashioned, Alexander Graham Bell invention (the telephone) still reigns as the most widely used channel for customer service? Yes, almost nine in ten consumers (89%) feel that telephone customer service either meets expectations (60%) or exceeds…

How to Find the Best Employees for Your Business

A great team of employees is what can keep your business going strong, even when economic times may be tough and even if your industry is going through a slow period. So how do you…

3 Great Ways to Set Up Your Company’s Recruiters for Success

Recruiters act as the bridge between the talent available in the market and the vacant positions in organizations needing that talent. They are often the first points of contact for willing and able talent within…

A Solution for the High Cost of Poor Customer Service

When I go shopping, I have a tendency to wear my business hat while I walk around the stores. I assess the quality of service I receive to gauge how well the business is doing…

Still Doing Annual Performance Reviews? Improve Your Process

One of my first jobs was working as a technical analyst at a large consulting firm. I worked at the end of a row of cubicles, at a place where the closest thing to company…

Always Prepared: What Every Professional Needs to Have on a Business Trip

Going on a business trip isn’t all fun and games like a vacation. You’ll have some downtime to explore the city, but you’ll usually be doing things that are related to work, such as going…

Leverage These Freelance Specialties

Upwork just published its list of the 20 fastest growing freelance categories or skills. Demand for each of these – via its system – has increased more than 100 percent over the last year. Some…

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