Human Resources

How to Scale Your Business Staffing Requirements

One of the biggest challenges for a business owner, especially in a small organization, is knowing how, when, or if they should recruit extra staff. Hiring new staff is a costly affair, and if you get it wrong, it could be detrimental to your firm. Here’s the lowdown on how to scale your staffing requirements.

Maternity Leave: How to Best Handle the Employee’s Absence

Maternity leave, which is now often referred to as family or parental leave, is the period of time that an employee takes off after giving birth to or adopting a baby.

Independent Contractor Versus Employee?

Is it better to be an independent contractor or an employee? For a small business owner (SBO), the question mostly is how to determine what business relationship exists between the person providing the services & the SBO, and if that relationship is that of an independent contractor or an employee.

The Problem with Hiring Relatives

Hiring relatives of employees can be a dangerous policy for so many reasons. Early in my academic career, the small department where I taught hired a husband and wife as teachers.

10 Tips for Setting Rules and Guidelines for Your Interns

Your experience with interns can be a positive one if you provide excellent guidelines and training. Even if you are not able to eventually offer them a permanent position, your role as their corporate mentor and possible reference is invaluable to their future success in their chosen field.

Make Your First Hire Your Best Hire

If you’re running your own business and finding there aren’t enough hours in the day to get all your work done, it may be time to hire your first employee. But for many business owners, that idea is daunting. What if you hire the wrong person?

Salary vs. Hourly: How Are You Paying Your Employees?

What is the best way to pay the people who work for you? Should you pay them by the hour, or would putting everybody on salary be a better idea? There are benefits and drawbacks to both options.

How to Give Performance Evaluations and Employee Feedback

Feedback is an essential component of any organization, no matter whether it’s a big one or small one, as it enables workers and managers to understand what they are doing well and how things could be improved.

Gain a Competitive Advantage through Workforce Management

Workforce management is one of the main functions of the human resources manager of any company and yet it does not always get the attention that it deserves.

Right Person, Right Place, Right Time

Finding and keeping the right people is critical to your business’s success and ability to grow. To do so, you must have the ability to effectively recruit, hire, train, and develop talent, as well as assess, coach, and retain skilled employees.

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